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♀ Aluma
What does Aluma mean?
Aluma as a girls' name is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Aluma is "maiden; sheaf (of grain at harvest)".
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Aldma, ..
(male) Aluar, ..
Aluma Melina (A.M.), ..
How popular is Aluma?
Aluma is an unusual first name for females. Aluma is also an uncommon last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Aluma has yet to be recorded in the Top 2000 so far. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Aluma is alike in pronunciation to Alamea, Alima, Aloma, Ilima, Uleema, Ulima and Ullima. Other recommended sound-alike names are Acima, Adima, Afua, Ahuda, Ahuva, Ajua, Ala, Alaia▲, Alala, Alana▲, Alaula, Alaya▲, Alba, Albia, Alda▼, Aldea, Alea, Aleda, Aleea, Aleka, Alena▲, Aleta, Alfa, Alia▲, Alica, Alida▼, Alika, Alina▲, Alisa▼, Alita, Aliya, Aliza▲, Alla, Allia, Allma, Allta, Allura, Alma▼, Almah, Alona, Alpha▼, Alta▼, Altha▼, Aludra, Alufa, Alumina, Alura, Alurea, Alya, Alyda, Alyna, Alyza, Ama, Anima, Aruna, Asima, Asma, Auda, Aura, Azuba, Azura, Azusa, Chuma, Ellma, Elma▼, Fruma, Yuma and Zuma. These names tend to be more commonly used than Aluma.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]