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♀ Alyna
What does Alyna mean?
Alyna as a girls' name has its root in Greek, and the meaning of the name Alyna is "sun ray". Alyna is a version of Alina (Greek): Slavic variation of Helen.
VARIANTS Alynah, Allynah, Aliena, Alenah, Alena▲, Aleena▲
RELATED FORMS VIA ALINA Aleen, Alene▼, Aline▼, Allena, Allene▼, Alline, Allyna, Allyne, Alyne, Leena▲, Lena▼, Lina, Lyna, Lynah
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Alyja, ..
(male) Alyal, ..
Alyna Araya (A.A.), ..
How popular is Alyna?
Alyna is an uncommonly occurring first name for women. Alyna is an equivalently unusual surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Alyna was first listed in 2006 and reached its apex rank of #1355 in the U.S. in 2007, and is at #1940 presently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Alina (#157 VIA LATEST LIST), Lena (#301), Aleena (#642), Alena (#736), Lina (#760), Leena (#1158), Aleen, Alene, Aline, Allena, Allene, Alline, Allyne and Alyne are the prominent varying forms of Alyna (#1940). These relations of Alyna were popular as birth names a century ago (ADOPTION OF 0.7%) and have become much less widespread since (ADOPTION 0.3%, 63.7% LESS). Lena is more widely used than the rest, though Alina is currently the preferred form, while forms like Allene have lost favor.
Similar Names
Alyna is pronounced similarly to Alaina▲, Alanah, Alanna▲, Alayna▲, Alaynna, Aliana▲, Alianna▲, Allinah, Alona, Alwyna, Alyona, Elaina▲, Elana, Elanna, Eleena, Elina▲, Elona, Ilania, Ilonna, Oleana, Olena, Ulani, Wilona, Yalena and Yllona. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adena, Ailyn, Aina, Alane, Alayne, Aldana, Aldyne, Aleda, Aleyne, Alika, Alima, Alita, Allda, Allma, Allyn, Allynn, Alma▼, Aloma, Alpha▼, Alsyna, Aluma, Alura, Alwyne, Alya, Alyda, Alynne, Alysa▼, Alyse▼, Alyss, Alyssa▼, Alyx, Alyza, Alzina, Amyra, Anina, Anona, Arina, Arlena, Arlyn, Arona, Aruna, Aryana, Auina, Chyna▼, Elna▼, Flana, Iryna, Selyna, Vyna and Zyna. These names tend to be more frequently used than Alyna.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]