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♀ Alyss
What does Alyss mean?
Alyss as a girls' name is an Old German name, and the name Alyss means "noble, exalted". Alyss is an alternate spelling of Alice (Old German).
VARIANTS Ilysse, Alyse▼, Alys, Alyce▼, Allyse, Allys, Allyce, Alliss, Allis, Allice, Alless, Alleece, Aliz, Alise, Alis, Aleece
RELATED FORMS VIA ALICE Ala, Alais, Alaisa, Ali▼, Alica, Alie, Alika, Aliki, Alisa▼, Alisah, Alisan, Alisha▼, Alison▼, Alissa▼, Alisson, Alisz, Alla, Alles, Alli▼, Allie, Allissa, Allsun, Ally▼, Allysia, Allyson, Allyssa▼, Allysson, Alysa▼, Alysia▼, Alyson, Alyssa▼, Elissa, Ellsa, Elsa▼, Illyssa, Ilysa, Ilysah, Ilyssa, Lyssa
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Alsa, ..
(male) Alas, ..
Alyss Cora (A.C.), ..
How popular is Alyss?
Alyss is a rare first name for females. Alyss is an equivalently unique last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Ala, Ali (#1841 FROM RECENT DATA), Alica, Alice (#71), Alisa (#1032), Alise, Alisha (#957), Alison (#400), Alissa (#1182), Alisson (#909), Alla, Alli, Allice, Allie (#350), Allissa, Ally (#1274), Allyson (#560), Allyssa, Alyce, Alys, Alysa, Alyse, Alysia, Alyson (#887), Alyssa (#150), Elissa (#1261), Elsa (#888) and Lyssa are the popular related forms of Alyss (NOT RANKED). Usage of these forms of Alyss was more pronounced among parents in the 1880s (ADOPTION OF 1.5%) and is now much reduced (ADOPTION 0.6%, ▼60.6%), with versions such as Alyse becoming less in vogue. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Alyss is pronounced similarly to Ailis, Alease, Alisse, Alize▼, Aloise, Alysse, Elis, Elise▲, Elisse, Ellis▲, Ellyse, Eloyse, Elyce, Elyse▲, Elysse, Ilise and Ilyse. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aldis, Alessa, Alessi, Allysa, Alya, Alyda, Alyna, Alyne, Alysan, Alysha▼, Alyssah, Alyssia▼, Alyx, Alyza, Anyssa, Ardyss, Arliss, Arlys, Arlyse, Arlyss, Bliss, Blyss, Eryss, Floss and Holyss. These names tend to be more commonly used than Alyss.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]