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What does Ana mean?
Ana as a girls' name is pronounced AHN-ah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Ana is "favored grace". Spanish variant of Anne. Ana is often used in blended names like Analee and Anarosa. Also form of Anastasia. Also form of Anna.
VARIANTS Analee, Analeigh▼, Analena, Anamaria, Anamarie, Anarosa, Anica, Anka
SEE ALSO Anais, Analia, Analilia, Anita, Aviana, Nana
OTHER FORMS VIA ANNE Aine, Anabel, Anci, Anet, Anett, Anh, Ania, Anika▲, Aniko, Anissa▼, Anita▼, Anitra▼, Anke, Anki, Ann▼, Anna▼, Anni, Annie▼, Annina, Annis, Annora, Annus, Anny, Anona, Anouk, Antje, Anuska, Anya, Anyu, Asya, Ayn, Hajna, Hana▲, Hanja, Hanka, Nan▼, Nana, Nina▼, Nita▼, Nona▼, Oni, Onie▼
Ana Cameron (A.C.), ..
How popular is Ana?
Ana is a very prominent first name for women (#181 out of 4276, Top 4%) and a slightly less prominent surname for both adults and children (#81100 out of 150436, Top 54%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Ana reached its top rank of #119 in the U.S. in the year 1991, and is presently at #215. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Ana (#215 THE PREVIOUS YEAR) ranked in the Top 2000 are Anna (#54), Anastasia (#148), Annie (#308), Nina (#319), Aviana (#394), Anne (#599), Anya (#677), Anika (#712), Hana (#727), Analia (#746), Anais (#848), Ann (#983), Anita (#1323), Anissa (#1825), Anabel (#1915), Nita, Nona, Nana, Nan, Aine, Asya, Anona, Annis, Anitra, Ania, Anamaria, Analeigh, Analee and Onie. Other forms, like Annus, are uncommon. These forms of Ana were popular as birth names a century ago (MEDIAN #1216) and have become much less conventional since (#1326, ▼83.5%), with forms such as Ann going out of style. The most trendy names for newborns in this compilation are Anastasia, Aviana, Anais, Hana and Anika.
Similar Names
Ana is alike in pronunciation to Agna, Anaya▲, Aniya, Aniyah, Annais, Auina, Ayana▲, Ayanna▼, Eena, Ena, Enaya, Ennya, Iana, Ianna, Inaya, Ionya, Oona, Unagh, Unah, Unna, Wanna, Wina, Yanna, Yna and Yoana. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Ada▼, Aja▼, Ala, Ama, Anat, Anda, Ang, Anja, Ara▼, Arna, Asa, Ava▲, Aya▲ and Aza. These names tend to be less commonly used than Ana.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]