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♀ Anabel
What does Anabel mean?
Anabel as a girls' name is pronounced AHN-ah-bell. Combination of Anna and Belle. Also form of Anne.
ASSOCIATED WITH combination (blend)
VARIANTS Anabelle▼, Annabel, Annabella, Annabelle
RELATED FORMS VIA ANNA, BELLE Ana, Annabeth, Annalee▲, Annet
Anabel Karissa (A.K.), ..
How popular is Anabel?
Anabel is a very popular first name for women (#1569 out of 4276, Top 37%) but a unique surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Anabel reached its highest rank of #730 in the U.S. in 1991, and is at #1915 presently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Ana (#215 VIA LATEST LIST), Anabelle (#1197), Anna (#54), Annabel (#949), Annabella (#591), Annabelle (#141), Annabeth (#1456), Annalee (#961), Anne (#599) and Belle (#859) are the prominent variation forms of Anabel (#1915). These relations of Anabel reached the top of their popularity in the 1880s (ADOPTION OF 3.3%) and are now significantly less common (ADOPTION 0.59%, ▼82%), with versions like Anabelle becoming less trendy. Annalee is the most trendy girl name among these.
Similar Names
Anabel is pronounced similarly to Annabal and Annabell▼. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abagil, Abame, Abbey▼, Adel, Aeriel, Agape, Agate, Agave, Ailbe, Amabel, Amabelle, Amable, Amahl, Amalea, Amalee, Amaybel, Ana, Anabella, Anais▲, Anaka, Anakela, Analee, Ananda, Anani, Anatola, Anaya▲, Anayeh, Ande, Andre, Andrea▼, Andrel, Andrew, Anet, Angel▼, Angela▼, Angele, Angle, Anglea, Anjel, Anmol, Annalee▲, Anne▼, Annet, Annwyl, Arabel, Arabela, Arbela, Arbell, Ariel, Ashbea (see Ashby), Aurel, Auriel, Averel, Azalea▲, Barbel, Carabel, Chanel, Cybel, Isabel, Isbel, Isobel, Izabel, Jael▲, Jayel, Lael, Lisabel, Mabel▼, Marabel, Mirabel, Orabel, Orbel, Rahel and Ysabel. These names tend to be less commonly used than Anabel.