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♀ Anastasha
What does Anastasha mean?
Anastasha as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of the name Anastasha is "resurrection". Anastasha is a version of Anastasia (Greek): from the word "anastasis".
ASSOCIATED WITH greek, resurrection (life)
VARIANT Anastashia
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ANASTASIA Anastacia▼, Anastaise, Anastase, Anastasie, Anastasija, Anastasiya, Anastassia, Anastatia, Anastay, Anastazia, Anasztasia, Anestassia, Annastasia, Anstass, Nastasia
Anastasha Carsyn (A.C.), ..
How popular is Anastasha?
Anastasha is an uncommonly occurring given name for women. Anastasha is an unusual last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Anastasha (NOT RANKED) rated in the Top 2000 are Anastasia (#148 IN RECENT RANKINGS) and Anastacia. Other forms, like Anastashia, are uncommon. These relations of Anastasha were at the height of their popularity in 2018 (ADOPTION OF 0.11%), except for the form Anastacia which has become somewhat dated. Anastasia is more universally found than the rest. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Agatha▼, Akasha, Alastair, Alastrina, Amantha, Amatista, Analeisa, Analiesa, Analisa, Analisia, Analissa, Analyssa, Anamaria, Anarosa, Anasztaizia, Anath, Anatola, Anatolia, Anatolya, Anayas, Anessa, Anisah, Anisha, Anissa▼, Antalya, Antonisha, Anusha, Anyssa, Aspasia, Atanasia, Atanasya (see Athanasia), Katasha, Katisha, Latasha▼, Latesha, Latisha▼, Nataasha, Natacha, Natajha, Natascha, Natasha▼, Natisha, Natosha, Palasha and Stasha. These names tend to be more commonly used than Anastasha.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]