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What does Andie mean?

Andie Pronunciation of Andie as a girls' name (also used less regularly as boys' name Andie) is pronounced an-DEE. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Andie is "manly, virile". Nickname of Andrea. Actress/model Andie MacDowell.




VARIANTS Andee, Andena, Andi

RELATED FORMS VIA ANDREA Aindrea, Ande, Andera, Andere, Anderea, Andra, Andre, Andrean, Andreas, Andree, Andrel, Andrena, Andrene, Andresa, Andrew, Andreya, Andri, Andria, Andrina, Andrine, Andy, Aondrea, Aundrea, Ondrea, Ondria

(female) Anty, ..

(male) Andan, ..

Andie Zemira (A.Z.), ..

How popular is Andie?

Andie is an uncommonly occurring given name for women. Andie is an unusual surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Andie was first listed in 1991 and reached its highest position of #1312 in the U.S. in 2018. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Andie name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Andie outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Andrea (#134 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Andi (#825), Andra, Andre, Andree, Andrew, Andria and Aundrea are the prominent related forms of Andie (#1312). Other variants, like Andrine, are seldom used. These forms of Andie were favored as baby names during 1980-1989 (ADOPTION OF 0.6%) and are now significantly less widespread (ADOPTION 0.2%, DOWN 74%), with forms such as Andria falling out of fashion. Andi and Andie are two of the more chic baby names among these.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Andie, Andi, Andra, Andre, Andrea in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Andree, Andrew, Andria, Aundrea in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Andrea outside U.S.

Similar Names

Andie is pronounced similarly to Anda, Annda, Enda, Inda, Indee, India, Indu, Indya, Wandie, Wendee, Wendi, Wendie and Wendye. Other recommended sound-alike names are Addi, Addie, Adia, Adie, Adin, Adine, Adrie, Aggie, Agie, Agnie, Aide, Ailie, Aldine, Aldis, Alfie, Alie, Allie, Alvie, Amie, Ammie, Anais, Anci, Ange, Angie, Ania, Anis, Anise, Anne, Annie, Annis, Annise, Anslie, Anthe, Antia, Antje, Ardia, Ardine, Arie, Arlie, Artie, Aude, Audie, Avie, Avrie, Cadie, Candie, Cyndie, Dedie, Dodie, Jodie, Kodie, Lindie, Mandie, Randie, Rodie, Rudie, Sadie, Sandie, Sindie, Sudie, Syndie and Tandie. These names tend to be more frequently used than Andie.
