Home > Andria


What does Andria mean?

Andria Pronunciation of Andria as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of the name Andria is "manly, virile". Andria is an alternate form of Andrea (Greek): from the word "andreia".




VARIANTS Onndria, Onndreea, Onndrea, Ondria, Ondreea, Ondrea, Ohndria, Ohndreea, Ohndrea, Aundrea, Aondrea, Andri, Andreya, Andrew, Andree, Andre, Andra, Aindrea

RELATED FORMS VIA ANDREA Ande, Andee, Andera, Andere, Anderea, Andi, Andie, Andrean, Andreana, Andreas, Andreena, Andreina, Andrel, Andrena, Andrene, Andresa, Andrewina, Andriana, Andrianna, Andrianne, Andrietta, Andrina, Andrine, Andy



Andria Malaya (A.M.), ..

How popular is Andria?

Andria is a very popular first name for females (#1287 out of 4276, Top 30%) and a slightly less popular surname for all people (#127186 out of 150436, Top 85%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Andria was first listed in 1950-1959 and reached its highest position of #727 in the U.S. during 1980-1989, but is not in the Top 1000 currently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Andria name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Andria outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Prominent alternative forms of Andria rated in the Top 2000 are Andrea (#134 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Andi (#825), Andie (#1312), Andra, Andre, Andreana, Andree, Andreina, Andrew, Andriana and Aundrea. These forms of Andria were popular as baby names in the 1980s (AVERAGE #1562) and are now significantly less widespread (#1689, 74.1%), with versions like Andria going out of style. Andi and Andie are two of the more fashionable baby names here.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Andria, Andi, Andie, Andra, Andre in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Andrea, Andreana, Andree, Andreina, Andrew in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Andriana, Aundrea in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Andrea outside U.S.

Similar Names

Andria is alike in pronunciation to Ondra. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adia, Adoria, Adra, Adrea, Adria, Adriah, Adrian, Adrie, Adrina, Analia, Anda, Andena, Ania, Anitia, Anitra, Anora, Anthia, Antia, Anysia, Aphria, Ardia, Ardra, Aria, Arria, Astria, Audra, Audrea, Audri, Audria, Audrie, Audrina, Audris, Auria, Aydrian, Azaria, Hadria, India, Kendria, Kyndria, Onoria, Sandria and Xandria. These names tend to be less frequently used than Andria.
