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♀ Angie (girl)
What does Angie mean?
Angie ▼ as a girls' name (also used less generally as boys' name Angie) has its root in Greek, and the meaning of the name Angie is "messenger; angel, messenger of God". Angie is an alternate form of Angela (Greek): from Church Latin.
OTHER FORMS VIA ANGELA Ange, Angel▼, Angele, Angelee, Angeles▼, Angeli, Angelia▼, Angeline▼, Angell, Angelle, Angil, Angila, Angla, Anglea, Angy, Aniela, Anjel, Anngil
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Angne, ..
(male) Angan, ..
Angie Kaylyn (A.K.), ..
How popular is Angie?
Angie is a very prominent first name for females (#327 out of 4276, Top 8%) and a slightly less prominent surname for both adults and children (#84968 out of 150436, Top 56%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Angie reached its top rank of #193 in the U.S. in the 1970s, and is currently at #716. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Angie (#716 A YEAR AGO) ranked in the Top 2000 are Angel (#368), Angela (#264), Angele, Angeles, Angelia, Angeline (#1117) and Anglea. Other variants, like Angelee, are seldom used. Adoption of these relations of Angie reached its most widespread during 1970-1979 (USAGE OF 1.71%) and is now significantly lower (USAGE 0.16%, DOWN 91%), with versions like Angel becoming less fashionable.
Similar Names
Angie▼ is alike in pronunciation to Anja and Engie. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aagje, Abbie▼, Addie▼, Adie, Adrie, Aggi, Aggie, Aggye, Agi, Agie, Agnie, Agye, Ailie, Aimie, Alfie, Alie, Allie, Alvie, Amie▼, Ammie, Anais▲, Anci, Ande, Andee, Andi▲, Andie▲, Andre, Anelie, Ang, Angle, Ania, Anice, Anis, Anise, Anke, Anki, Anne▼, Anni, Annice, Annie▼, Annis, Annise, Anslie, Anthe, Antia, Antje, Argia, Arie, Arlie, Arrie▼, Artie▼, Athie, Attie, Audie▼, Avie, Avrie, Gingie, Onie▼ and Vangie. These names tend to be less commonly used than Angie.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]