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♀ Anise
What does Anise mean?
Anise as a girls' name is pronounced a-NISS. Modern name from the aniseed plant (Old French "anis", from Latin and Greek). Other names derived from spices are Clove and Juniper. May also be a variant of Agnes or Anne.
VARIANTS Aneese, Anis, Anisette
OTHER FORMS VIA AGNES, ANNE Aggie, Aggye, Agi, Agie, Agneis, Agnese, Agness, Agnesse, Agnie, Agnus, Agote, Agye, Aine, Ana, Anabel, Anais▲, Anci, Anelie, Anessa, Anet, Anett, Anette, Anh, Ania, Anica, Anika▲, Aniko, Anissa▼, Anita▼, Anitra▼, Anka, Anke, Anki, Ann▼, Anna▼, Annais, Anneke, Annest, Anni, Annice, Annick, Annie▼, Anniesse, Annimae, Annina, Annis, Annisa, Annisah, Annise, Annus, Anny, Anona, Anouk, Antje, Anuska, Anya, Anyu, Ines, Nanice, Nanine, Nonie, Oni, Onie▼, Ynes
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Adise, ..
(male) Anas, ..
Anise Devorah (A.D.), ..
How popular is Anise?
Anise is an uncommon given name for females. Anise is an equivalently unique last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Anise (NOT RANKED) are Aggie, Agnes (#1204 LAST YEAR), Agness, Aine, Ana (#215), Anabel (#1915), Anais (#848), Anessa, Anette, Ania, Anice, Anika (#712), Anis, Anissa (#1825), Anita (#1323), Anitra, Ann (#983), Anna (#54), Anne (#599), Annice, Annie (#308), Annis, Anona, Anya (#677), Ines (#1678), Juniper (#281), Nonie and Onie. Usage of these relations of Anise was more pronounced among parents a century ago (ADOPTION OF 5.15%) and has become much reduced since (ADOPTION 0.62%, 88% LESS). Anna is the continual favorite, though Anika has become trendy as well over time, while forms such as Ann have become less popular. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Anise is pronounced similarly to Anice, Annice, Anniesse, Annis, Annise, Annus, Annys, Ennis, Eunice▼, Euniss, Ines, Innis, Unice and Uniss. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adie, Adine, Agie, Agnese, Agnie, Aide, Ailse, Aime, Alice▼, Alie, Alis, Alisa▼, Alise, Alisse, Aliye, Alize▼, Aloise, Alyse▼, Amice, Amie▼, Amiee, Amisa, Anais▲, Analise, Ande, Andee, Andie▲, Andre, Anelise, Ange, Angie▼, Angle, Ania, Anica, Anika▲, Anikee, Aniko, Anima, Anina, Anique, Anisa▼, Anisah, Anisha, Anissa▼, Aniya, Anke, Annisa, Antje, Arie, Arisje, Arlise, Arnice, Ase, Avice, Avie, Danise, Elise▲, Lise, Loise, Renise and Rise. These names tend to be more commonly used than Anise.