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♀ Anneke
What does Anneke mean?
Anneke as a girls' name is a Hausa and Hebrew name, and the meaning of Anneke is "sweet-faced; He (God) has favored me". Anneke is a version of Anika (Hausa). Anneke is also a form of Anne (Hebrew): the English version of Hannah. Anneke is also used as a variant of Anna (Hebrew).
ASSOCIATED WITH sweet (beautiful)
VARIANTS Anouk, Annick, Anique
OTHER FORMS VIA ANIKA, ANNE, ANNA Aine, Anaka, Anecky, Anelie, Anet, Anett, Anette, Anikee, Aniko, Anka, Anke, Anki, Ann▼, Annabel, Annaelle, Annah, Annaka, Annalee▲, Anneka, Annelle, Annelore, Annet, Annetta▼, Annette▼, Anni, Annica, Annice, Annie▼, Annika, Annimae, Annina, Annis, Annise, Annora, Annus, Annuska, Anny, Anoesj, Antje, Anuska, Aunika, Nanete
Anneke Berkley (A.B.), ..
How popular is Anneke?
Anneke is an uncommon first name for females. Anneke is a rare surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Aine, Anette, Anika (#712 LAST YEAR), Ann (#983), Anna (#54), Annabel (#949), Annah, Annalee (#961), Anne (#599), Annelle, Annetta, Annette (#1214), Annice, Annie (#308), Annika (#723) and Annis are the prominent variation forms of Anneke (NOT RANKED) ranked in the Top 2000. Other variants, like Annica, are seldom used. These relations of Anneke were favored 138 years ago (USAGE OF 4.6%) and have become much less common since (USAGE 0.4%, ▼90%), with forms such as Ann becoming less fashionable. Anika and Annalee are two of the more fashionable names for newborns among these. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Anneke is alike in pronunciation to Eunike. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abbee, Abree, Adene, Agneis, Agnelle, Agnes▼, Agnese, Agneta, Agnethe, Agnie, Aidee, Ailee, Ailene, Alcee, Aldene, Aleka, Aleki, Alene▼, Amee, Amiee, Analee, Andee, Andera, Andere, Anderea, Andree, Andrene, Aneese, Aneeta, Anela, Ange, Angela▼, Angele, Angelea, Angeles▼, Angeli, Angell, Angelle, Angie▼, Angle, Anice, Anicka, Anise, Anjel, Annais, Annalie, Annamae, Annelie, Annemae, Annemie, Anner, Annes, Annest, Annett, Anneyce, Anngela, Anngil, Annida, Anniesse, Annisa, Annita, Annthea (see Anthea), Annwyl, Annys, Anslie, Arete, Ariele, Arlee, Arnelle, Arnett, Arnette, Arnice, Aymee and Tineke. These names tend to be more frequently used than Anneke.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]