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♀ Annick
What does Annick mean?
Annick as a girls' name is a Greek and Hebrew name, and the name Annick means "satisfaction; He (God) has favored me". Annick is an alternate spelling of Anice (Greek): also possibly form of Agnes, Ann. Annick is also a form of Anne (Hebrew): the English variant of Hannah.
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ANICE, ANNE Anci, Ania, Anica, Anicka, Anika▲, Aniko, Anis, Anita▼, Anki, Ann▼, Anna▼, Anni, Annice, Annie▼, Annimae, Annina, Annis, Annise, Annora, Annus, Annuska, Anny, Annys, Nanice
Annick Armani (A.A.), ..
How popular is Annick?
Annick is an unusual given name for women. Annick is an equally unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Annick (NOT RANKED) are Anna (#54 A YEAR AGO), Annie (#308), Anne (#599), Anika (#712), Ann (#983), Anita (#1323), Ania, Anice, Anis, Annice and Annis. Other variants, like Anicka, are seldom used. These forms of Annick were popular as baby names during the years 1880-1889 (ADOPTION OF 4.6%) and have become much less common since (ADOPTION 0.4%, ▼91.5%), with forms such as Anna becoming somewhat dated. Anika is the most contemporarily stylish girl name here. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Annick is pronounced similarly to Yanick, Yannic and Yannick. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aerica, Aericka, Africa, Agnie, Airica, Airicka, Alanice, Alica, Alice▼, Allice, Amica, Amice, Anaca, Anais▲, Anani, Ancina, Andi▲, Andie▲, Anecky, Angie▼, Angil, Angila, Anima, Anina, Anisa▼, Anise, Aniya, Annah, Annais, Annaka, Annda, Anneka, Anner, Annes, Annest, Annet, Annett, Anneyce, Anngil, Annica, Anniceta (see Aniceta), Annida, Annika, Annisa, Annisah, Annissa, Annita, Annitra (see Anita), Annitta (see Anita), Annona, Annot, Annwyl, Anstice, Antia, Arica, Arnice, Arnina, Arnit, Arnita, Artice, Arzice, Aunika, Avice and Flick. These names tend to be more frequently used than Annick.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]