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♀ Annimae
What does Annimae mean?
Annimae as a girls' name is a Hebrew name, and the name Annimae means "He (God) has favored me". Annimae is a variant form of Anne (Hebrew): the English variant of Hannah.
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ANNE Ania, Anica, Anika▲, Anita▼, Anna▼, Anneke, Annelle, Annette▼, Anni, Annice, Annick, Annie▼, Annina, Annis, Annise, Annora
Annimae Ridley (A.R.), ..
How popular is Annimae?
Annimae is an unusual first name for females. Annimae is an unusual surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Annimae (NOT RANKED) listed in the Top 2000 are Anna (#54 FROM RECENT DATA), Annie (#308), Anne (#599), Anika (#712), Annette (#1214), Anita (#1323), Ania, Annelle, Annice and Annis. Other variants, like Anneke, are seldom used. These relations of Annimae were at the apex of their popularity in the 1880s (AVERAGE #880) and have become significantly less popular since (#1221, ▼91.3%), with versions such as Anita becoming somewhat dated. Anna has been the most prevalent, though Anika has become trendy as well over time. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Annimae is pronounced similarly to Anima, Annamae, Annamay, Annemae and Annemie. Other recommended sound-alike names are Achima, Achimah, Acima, Acimah, Adima, Agnie, Aime, Aimee▼, Aimie, Alima, Ancina, Andie▲, Angie▼, Angila, Anice, Anikee, Anina, Anique, Anisa▼, Anisah, Anise, Aniya, Aniyah, Annabal, Annah, Annaka, Annalee▲, Annalie, Annamarie▼, Annda, Anneka, Annelie, Annemarie▼, Anneyce, Annica, Annida, Anniesse, Annika, Annisa, Annisah, Annissa, Annita, Annitra (see Anita), Annitta (see Anita), Annmarie▼, Annona, Antia, Arnice, Arnina, Arnita, Arunima, Asima and Aunika. These names tend to be more commonly used than Annimae.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]