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♀ Ariadne
What does Ariadne mean?
Ariadne ▲ as a girls' name is pronounced ar-ee-AHD-nee. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Ariadne is "most holy". Mythology: Ariadne, daughter of Cretan king Minos, helped Theseus escape from the Cretan labyrinth. Saint Ariadne of Phrygia (second century) was a slave who became a martyr. Also the subject and title of a Richard Strauss play.
ASSOCIATED WITH greek, mythology, king (queen), play (opera)
VARIANTS Arene, Aria▲, Ariadna▲, Ariana▲, Ariane, Arianie, Arianna, Arianne, Ariette, Aryana, Aryane, Aryanie, Aryanna, Aryanne
Ariadne Raleigh (A.R.), ..
How popular is Ariadne?
Ariadne is an uncommon first name for women. Ariadne is an equally rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Ariadne entered the list in 2011 and reached its peak rank of #730 in the U.S. in the year 2016, and is presently at #928. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Aria (#19 A YEAR AGO), Ariana (#68), Arianna (#95), Aryanna (#1101), Aryana (#1177), Ariadna (#1313), Ariane and Arianne are the prominent varying forms of Ariadne (#928). Adoption of these relations of Ariadne was at its apex in the year 2014 (MEDIAN #821) and is almost as conventional today (#966, 13.7% LESS USAGE). Aria, Ariadna, Ariadne and Ariana are four of the more fashionable girl names among these.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Abiline, Abriana, Abrienne, Adilene▲, Adine, Adriana, Adriane▼, Adrianne▼, Adriene, Adrienne▼, Aidee, Ailene, Alaine, Alayne, Alianna▲, Aline▼, Alisanne, Allaine, Allayne, Amadee, Arachne, Arakne (see Arachne), Arcadie, Ardene, Ardine, Argene, Ariah▲, Arianwen, Arie, Arin, Arina, Arinne, Arisje, Arjane, Arlan, Arlene▼, Arlenne, Arline▼, Arluene, Arlyne, Armande, Armine, Armyne, Arriana, Arthene, Asianne, Aubrianne, Auriana, Brayne, Briane, Brianne▼, Brienne, Brione, Brittne, Bryanne, Corianne, Dariane, Diane▼, Dianne▼, Dorianne, Eliane, Elianne, Gerianne, Irine, Krisanne, Liahne, Liane, Lianne, Lorianne, Mariane, Oriane, Rhiane, Tiane, Tianne and Trine. These names tend to be more commonly used than Ariadne.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]