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♀ Ariana
What does Ariana mean?
Ariana ▲ as a girls' name is pronounced ar-ee-AH-nah. It is of Welsh origin, and the meaning of Ariana is "silver". Also the simplified Italian variant of Ariadne. Political commentator Arianna Stassinopolous.
VARIANTS Ariane, Arianna, Arianne, Arieana, Arionna, Arriana, Aryana, Aryanna, Aryonna
RELATED FORMS VIA ARIADNE, ARIANNA Arene, Aria▲, Ariadna▲, Arianie, Aryane, Aryanie, Aryanne
Ariana Regina (A.R.), ..
How popular is Ariana?
Ariana is a very popular first name for females (#1389 out of 4276, Top 32%) but a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Ariana entered the list in 1970-1979 and reached its apex position of #37 in the U.S. in 2014, and is at #68 currently. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Ariana (#68 A YEAR AGO) appearing in the Top 2000 are Aria (#19), Ariadna (#1313), Ariadne (#928), Ariane, Arianna (#95), Arianne, Arionna, Arriana, Aryana (#1177) and Aryanna (#1101). Other variants, like Aryanie, are seldom used. Adoption of these forms of Ariana was at its peak in the year 2014 (AVERAGE #1024) and is almost as widespread today (#1154, 14.2% LESS USAGE). Aria, Ariadna, Ariadne and Ariana are four of the more trendy names for newborns in this compilation.
Similar Names
Ariana▲ is alike in pronunciation to Airina, Arena, Arina, Aruna, Auriana, Erina, Erinna, Erwina, Euriona, Irayna, Irena, Iriana, Irina, Irwina, Iryna, Orania, Oreana, Oriana, Orianna, Orina, Oryna, Uranya, Urena, Urina and Yerina. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abina, Adana, Adrian▼, Adriana, Adriane▼, Airin, Aivana, Aiyana, Aldana, Alianna▲, Alina▲, Allana, Amina▲, Aram, Arava, Archna, Ardena, Ariah▲, Arica, Ariela, Arin, Ariza, Arizona, Arjane, Armanda, Armina, Armona, Aviana▲, Avianna▲, Aydana, Brana, Briana▼, Briann, Brinna, Ciana, Diana▼, Doriana, Drina, Eliana▲, Gaiana, Giana, Idiana, Miriana, Oliana, Rhiana, Riana, Siana, Siriana, Teriana and Urbana. These names tend to be less frequently used than Ariana.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]