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♀ Arin
What does Arin mean?
Arin as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Arin) is of Irish, Gaelic and Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Arin is "Ireland; mountain of strength". Variant of Erin; feminine form of Aaron.
RELATIONS VIA ERIN Aeran, Aerin, Airin, Arinne, Aryn, Eirin, Eirinn, Eiryn, Erina, Erinn, Erinna, Erinne, Eryn, Erynn, Kerin, Taryn▼, Terin
Arin Zyla (A.Z.), ..
How popular is Arin?
Arin is an unusual given name for females but a somewhat prominent last name for all people (#129619 out of 150436, Top 86%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Arin was first listed in 1980-1989 and reached its highest position of #1768 in the U.S. in 1997, but is not in the list at the moment. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Aaron, Aryn, Erin (#421 IN 2018), Erinn, Eryn (#1746) and Taryn (#1504) are the popular varying forms of Arin. Other variants, like Airin, are seldom used. Usage of these relations of Arin was more pronounced 4 decades ago (MEDIAN #1138) and is now much reduced (#1667, 92% LESS USAGE), with versions like Erin becoming less stylish.
Similar Names
Arin is pronounced similarly to Aeron, Aireen, Arene, Ariane, Arianne, Arwen, Arwyn, Aryane, Aurene, Auron, Eiren, Eirian, Erene, Euron, Ireen, Iren, Irene▼, Irine, Orane and Oriane. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abir, Adin, Adine, Afia, Agie, Aina, Aine, Airina, Aki, Alia▲, Alie, Aline▼, Alis, Alix, Aliz, Amia▲, Amie▼, Amil, Amina▲, Amit, Anis, Ann▼, Aram, Ardin, Arena, Ari▲, Aria▲, Ariana▲, Arica, Arie, Arika, Arina, Ariza, Arlie, Arline▼, Arlyn, Armen, Arna, Arnina, Arona, Artia, Aruna, Arza, Asia▼, Auina, Avis▼, Ayn, Farin, Korin, Lin, Lorin, Marin, Min, Win and Zin. These names tend to be more commonly used than Arin.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]