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What does Arlette mean?

Arlette Pronunciation of Arlette as a girls' name is pronounced ar-LET. Ancient name of uncertain origin. Probably of Norman French origin, a diminutive based on German "arn" meaning "eagle". Also possibly French feminine form of Charles. Name of the mistress of Duke Robert of Normandy in the 11th century; their son was William the Conqueror. Also form of Arlene.


ASSOCIATED WITH ancient (old), conqueror (queen)


VARIANTS Arlet, Arleta, Arleth, Arletta



Arlette Laine (A.L.), ..

How popular is Arlette?

Arlette is a very prominent first name for females (#2110 out of 4276, Top 49%) but an uncommon last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Arlette was first listed in 1920-1929 and reached its highest rank of #892 in the U.S. in 2018. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Arlette name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Arlette outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Popular related forms of Arlette (#892 IN RECENT RANKINGS) are Arlene (#1787), Arlet (#1943), Arleta, Arleth (#1065), Arletta and Charles. These relations of Arlette were at the top of their popularity 9 decades ago (ADOPTION OF 0.35%) and have become significantly less popular since (ADOPTION 0.04%, DOWN 87%), with versions such as Arlene becoming less fashionable. Arlene has been the overall favorite, though Arlette is currently the more favored form.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Arlette, Arlene, Arlet, Arleta, Arleth in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Arletta, Charles in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Arlette and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Arlette is alike in pronunciation to Earlette and Erlette. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aletta, Alette, Alletta, Allette, Anette, Annette, Arete, Aretta, Arette, Ariette, Arlee, Arleene, Arlene, Arlenne, Arletha, Arleyne, Arnett, Arnetta, Arnette, Artlette, Brette, Briette, Carlette, Colette, Ellette, Erletta, Ervette, Gilette, Grette, Halette, Irvette, Jolette, Julette, Kolette, Marlette, Olette, Orette, Ornette, Perlette and Yolette. These names tend to be less frequently used than Arlette.
