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What does Arlyne mean?
Arlyne as a girls' name is an alternate spelling of Arlene: modern coinage of unclear origin.
VARIANTS Arlynn, Arlyn, Arluene, Arline▼, Arliene, Arleyne, Arlen, Arleene, Arleen▼, Arlean, Arlan
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ARLENE Arla, Arlana, Arleana, Arlee, Arleena, Arlena, Arleta, Arlette▲, Arlie, Arlina, Arlinda, Arly▼
Arlyne Allie (A.A.), ..
How popular is Arlyne?
Arlyne is a somewhat popular first name for women (#3995 out of 4276, Top 93%) but a rare last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Arlyne was first listed in 1910-1919 and reached its peak position of #1201 in the U.S. during the years 1920-1929, but is not listed currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Arla, Arlean, Arlee, Arleen, Arlena, Arlene (#1787 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Arleta, Arlette (#892), Arlie, Arlinda, Arline, Arly and Arlyn are the popular related forms of Arlyne. Other variants, like Arleana, are seldom used. These forms of Arlyne were favored 88 years ago (ADOPTION OF 0.4%) and are now much less popular (ADOPTION 0.02%, ▼94%), with forms such as Arleen becoming less fashionable. Arlene is a constant favorite, though Arlette is now higher in the list.
Similar Names
Arlyne is pronounced similarly to Arlan, Arlean, Arleen▼, Arleene, Arlen, Arlene▼, Arlenne, Arleyne, Arliene, Arline▼, Arluene, Arlyn, Arlynn, Earlene▼, Earline▼, Erlene, Erline and Orlene. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ailyn, Alane, Alayne, Aldyne, Alene▼, Aleyne, Aline▼, Allayne, Alldyne, Alleyne, Alline, Allyna, Allynn, Allynne, Allyse, Alwyne, Alyce▼, Alyne, Alynne, Alyse▼, Amalyne, Amelyne, Arakne (see Arachne), Ardene, Ardine, Ardyce, Arene, Argene, Ariane, Arinne, Arjane, Arlana, Arleana, Arlee, Arlena, Arlenna (see Arlinda), Arlie, Arlina, Arlinda, Arlise, Arly▼, Arlys, Arlyse, Arlyss, Armine, Armyne, Arwyn, Aryane, Aryn, Brayne, Carlyne, Darlyne, Jolyne, Karlyne, Marlyne, Rolyne and Selyne. These names tend to be less frequently used than Arlyne.