Home > Artheia


What does Artheia mean?

Artheia Pronunciation of Artheia as a girls' name is a Celtic name. Artheia is an alternate form of Arthuretta (Celtic): feminine of Arthur.



RELATIONS VIA ARTHURETTA Arthelia, Arthene, Arthurina, Artia, Artie, Artina, Artis



Artheia Annaleigh (A.A.), ..

How popular is Artheia?

Artheia is an unusual first name for women. Artheia is an uncommon surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Artie and Artis are the prominent variation forms of Artheia (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Artina, are uncommon. These relations of Artheia were at the height of their popularity 128 years ago, but now, the version Artie has gone out of style. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Artie, Artis in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Artheia and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Artheia is alike in pronunciation to Artha, Ertha and Orthia. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aishia, Aithnea, Alethea, Alitheea (see Alice), Alithia, Althaia, Althea, Altheda, Althelia, Althia, Amaltheia, Annthea (see Anthea), Anthea, Antheia, Anthemia, Antheya, Anthia, Antia, Antonia, Anuhea, Arcadia, Arcelia, Archna, Ardea, Ardelia, Ardenia, Ardia, Arena, Areta, Aretha, Argelia, Ariela, Arleena, Arleta, Armeena, Arria, Arsania, Arsemia (see Arsenia), Arsenia, Arthelia, Arthene, Artia, Artie, Artis, Ashia, Astera, Astraeia, Astrea, Astria, Atalia, Ateefa, Atera, Atha, Atheena, Athelina, Athena, Athene, Athie, Athina, Attilia, Azaleia, Bithia, Cathia, Cythia, Efthemia, Ethenia, Kathia, Lethia, Orphia, Pantheia, Parthenia and Treia. These names tend to be more frequently used than Artheia.
