Home > Artia


What does Artia mean?

Artia Pronunciation of Artia as a girls' name is of Celtic derivation. Artia is an alternate form of Arthuretta (Celtic): feminine of Arthur.



RELATED FORMS VIA ARTHURETTA Artheia, Arthelia, Artice, Artie, Artina, Artis, Artrice

(female) Astia, ..

(male) Archi, ..

Artia Bria (A.B.), ..

How popular is Artia?

Artia is a rare given name for females. Artia is also a unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Artie and Artis are the popular related forms of Artia (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Other variants, like Artrice, are seldom used. These forms of Artia reached the apex of their popularity during 1890-1899 (USAGE OF 0.03%), but now, the form Artie has gone out of style. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Artie, Artis in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Artia and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Abia, Adia, Airlia, Aisia, Albia, Aletia, Allia, Alta, Althia, Amaia, Amia, Ania, Anitia, Anthia, Antia, Arava, Arda, Ardea, Ardia, Ardin, Ardis, Arela, Arena, Areta, Aretha, Aretina, Aretta, Argia, Aria, Ariah, Arie, Arina, Arla, Arlie, Arlina, Armida, Armina, Arnita, Arona, Arria, Arrie, Artha, Artheia, Artice, Artie, Artina, Artis, Aruna, Arya, Arza, Arzit, Ashia, Astra, Astria, Atha, Atifa, Atti, Attie, Auria, Avia, Betia, Bria, Cytia (see Cynthia), Datia, Gratia, Latia, Myrtia, Netia, Oratia, Orfia, Oria, Ostia, Tatia, Tertia and Vitia. These names tend to be more frequently used than Artia.
