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♀ Asti
What does Asti mean?
Asti as a girls' name. The meaning of the name Asti is "star-like; love". Asti is an alternate spelling of Asta (Greek, Old Norse): also a diminutive of Anastasia.
RELATIONS VIA ASTA Astera, Asteria, Astra
Asti Reyna (A.R.), ..
How popular is Asti?
Asti is an uncommonly occurring first name for females but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#61376 out of 150436, Top 41%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Asti has not been ranked in the list so far. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Asti is pronounced similarly to Esta▼, Estee and Ostia. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abbi, Abi, Abri, Addi, Adi, Aditi, Aggi, Agi, Agoti, Aili, Airi, Aki, Alfi, Ali▼, Alli▼, Alta▼, Ami▼, Anci, Andi▲, Anki, Anni, Antia, Ari▲, Artia, Artie▼, Artis, Asa, Ase, Asha▲, Ashia, Ashli▼, Ashni, Asia▼, Asma, Assa, Assi, Aston, Astri, Astria, Astrid▲, Asya, Atti, Attie, Audi, Austin, Aymi, Cati, Etti, Kati▼, Misti▼, Mysti, Neti and Tati. These names tend to be more frequently used than Asti.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]