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♀ Attie
What does Attie mean?
Attie as a girls' name is a Greek name, and the name Attie means "wise". Attie is a variant form of Athena (Greek).
RELATIONS VIA ATHENA Athene, Athie, Athina
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Antie, ..
(male) Atto, ..
Attie Estella (A.E.), ..
How popular is Attie?
Attie is an uncommon given name for women but a somewhat popular surname for all people (#108734 out of 150436, Top 72%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Attie reached its highest position of #898 in the U.S. in the 1880s, but is not found in the list currently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Athena (#117 FROM CURRENT RECORDS) is the only other prominent variation form of Attie rated in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Athene, are uncommon. These forms of Attie were at the peak of their popularity in 2018 (ADOPTION OF 0.2%). Athena is the most chic baby name here.
Similar Names
Attie is alike in pronunciation to Atti, Etta▼, Ettey, Etti, Ettie▼, Etty and Yettie. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abbie▼, Addie▼, Adie, Adrie, Aggie, Agie, Agnie, Ailie, Aimie, Alfie, Alie, Allie, Alvie, Amie▼, Amitie, Ammie, Andie▲, Angie▼, Annie▼, Anthe, Antia, Antje, Arie, Arlie, Arrie▼, Artia, Artice, Artie▼, Artis, Asti, Atalie, Attalie, Audie▼, Avie, Avrie, Bettie▼, Catie, Dottie▼, Hattie▼, Hettie▼, Hittie, Katie▼, Kittie▼, Lettie▼, Lotie, Lottie▼, Mattie▼, Nattie, Nettie▼, Pattie▼, Tatie and Tottie. These names tend to be more commonly used than Attie.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]