Home > Auberta


What does Auberta mean?

Auberta Pronunciation of Auberta as a girls' name is pronounced oh-BEHR-tah, oh-BERT-ah. It is of French and Old English origin. Feminine of Albert. Saint Aubert (eighth century) built the famous monastery Mont Saint Michel. Also form of Alberta.


ASSOCIATED WITH old english, saint, monastery




Auberta Kaylin (A.K.), ..

How popular is Auberta?

Auberta is a rare first name for females and also a rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Popular related forms of Auberta (NOT RANKED) are Albert and Alberta. Adoption of these forms of Auberta reached its highest in the 1900s (USAGE OF 0.19%). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Albert, Alberta in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Auberta and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Auberta is alike in pronunciation to Eberta, Uberrta, Uberta and Yuberta. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abeeja (see Abijah), Abena, Abra, Adeera, Affera, Agnetta, Alberga, Alberta, Albertha, Aletta, Almera, Almeria, Almeta, Alvera, Alverta, Ambeeka, Ambeika (see Ambika), Amber, Amberetta, Ameera, Andera, Anderea, Aneeta, Anetta, Annetta, Arbela, Arbella, Areta, Aretta, Argenta, Arleta, Arnetta, Astera, Atera, Aubary (see Aubrey), Auberte (see Alberta), Aubertha, Auberthe (see Alberta), Aubery, Aubre, Aubree, Aubrette, Aubry, Auburn, Audelia, Audessa, Audria, Augusta, Aurea, Aureola, Auria, Aurora, Berta, Egberta, Elberta, Fuenta, Gerta, Gilberta, Huberta, Huetta, Laberta, Lunetta, Questa, Reberta, Roberta, Robetta (see Roberta), Ruberta, Rubetta, Ruperta, Rupetta and Suzetta. These names tend to be more frequently used than Auberta.
