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♀ Aubrey
What does Aubrey mean?
Aubrey ▲ as a girls' name (also used less regularly as boys' name Aubrey) is pronounced AW-bree. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Aubrey is "elf or magical being, power". Originally a man's name, from Norman French, that arrived in England with the Norman Conquest. This was the name, according to German mythology, of the king of the elves. American use of Aubrey is mainly as a girl's name, perhaps under the influence of Audrey.
ASSOCIATED WITH elf, magical, power, england, conquest (victory), mythology, king (queen)
VARIANTS Aubary, Aubery, Aubre, Aubree, Aubreigh, Aubrette, Aubri, Aubriana, Aubrianna, Aubrianne, Aubrie, Aubry, Aubury
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA AUDREY Audie▼, Audra▼, Audrea, Audree, Audreen, Audri, Audria, Audrie, Audris, Audry, Audrye
Aubrey Josephine (A.J.), ..
How popular is Aubrey?
Aubrey is a very popular first name for women (#1065 out of 4276, Top 25%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#7133 out of 150436, Top 5%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Aubrey reached its top rank of #15 in the U.S. in the year 2012, and is presently at #36. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Aubrey (#36 THE PREVIOUS YEAR) are Aubree (#110), Aubreigh (#1959), Aubri (#1109), Aubriana (#1735), Aubrianna (#1419), Aubrie (#628), Aubriella (#758), Aubry, Audie, Audra (#1317), Audrea, Audree (#1888), Audrey (#46), Audrie and Audry. Other variants, like Audrye, are seldom used. Usage of these forms of Aubrey was at its most widespread 5 years ago (MEDIAN #1135) and is somewhat less today (#1312, DOWN 27.8%), with versions like Audra becoming less stylish. Aubrey, Aubriella and Audrey are three of the more fashionable names for newborns here.
Similar Names
Aubrey▲ is pronounced similarly to Abra, Abrah, Abree and Abri. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abbe, Abbey▼, Abbye, Abeer, Adare, Addey, Adey, Adley▲, Adoray, Adore, Adrea, Ailey, Aimey, Alby, Alfre, Alurea, Amber▼, Amberely, Ambre, Amey, Amore, Andre, Andrea▼, Andree, Andrel, Andreya, Ansley▲, Arely, Aren, Arly▼, Ashley▼, Astrea, Ateret, Auberte (see Alberta), Aubine, Aude, Aundrea, Aura, Aural, Aure, Aurea, Aurel, Aurene, Auron, Aurore, Avery▲, Azure, Carey▼, Carrey, Cherey, Clarey, Corey▼, Correy, Dabney, Dorey, Glorey, Jerrey, Jobey, Judey, Kerrey, Korey, Libbey, Perrey, Robbey, Rubey, Sarrey, Sukey, Taubey, Tobey, Torey and Torrey. These names tend to be less commonly used than Aubrey.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]