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♀ Avah
What does Avah mean?
Avah ▲ as a name for girls is a version of Ava: of uncertain origin.
OTHER FORMS VIA AVA Avalee, Avalyn▲, Avis▼
Avah Caydence (A.C.), ..
How popular is Avah?
Avah is a rare first name for females. Avah is an equivalently rare last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Avah was first listed in 2005 and reached its peak rank of #462 in the U.S. in the year 2018. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Avah (#462 IN 2018) ranked in the Top 2000 are Ava (#3), Avalyn (#941), Ayva (#1033), Avalee (#1826) and Avis. These relations of Avah reached the height of their popularity in 2016 (AVERAGE #1119) and have remained as popular to this day (#1044, 1.9% LESS USAGE), but with the form Avis falling out of fashion. Ava, Avah, Ayva and Avalyn are four of the more trendy names for newborns here.
Similar Names
Avah▲ is alike in pronunciation to Ava▲, Avia, Aviah, Avie, Ayva▲, Eeva, Eva▼, Evah, Evey, Evia, Evie▲, Evvy, Evy, Iva▼, Ivee, Ivey, Ivie, Ivy▲, Wava and Yeva. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abiah, Abrah, Ada▼, Adah▼, Adal, Adan, Adiah, Adrah, Aidah, Ainah, Aja▼, Alah, Aleah▲, Aliah▲, Almah, Alva▼, Alvah, Alvar, Ama, Amahl, Amal▲, Anahi, Anat, Anath, Anh, Annah, Ara▼, Aram, Aravah, Ardah, Ariah▲, Asa, Ashah, Asiah, Asyah, Atal, Avana, Ave, Avis▼, Avivah, Aya▲, Aza, Beah, Elah, Elvah, Inah, Kivah, Leah▲, Miah▲, Niah, Nyah▼, Orah, Rivah, Tovah and Unah. These names tend to be more commonly used than Avah.