Home > Averyl

Averyl (girl)

What does Averyl mean?

Averyl Pronunciation of Averyl as a name for girls (also used as boys' name Averyl) is a Latin name, and the meaning of the name Averyl is "to open". Averyl is a version of April (Latin): the month as a given name. Averyl is also a variation of Avril (Latin).



VARIANTS Averylle, Averyll, Averill, Averil, Averell, Averel

RELATIONS VIA APRIL, AVRIL Abril, Aipril, Apryl, Apryll, Avriel, Avrill



Averyl Cindy (A.C.), ..

How popular is Averyl?

Averyl is a rare first name for females. Averyl is also a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

April (#476 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Abril (#1017), Avril (#1766), Apryl and Averil are the prominent variation forms of Averyl (NOT RANKED) listed in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Averill, are uncommon. These relations of Averyl were at the height of their popularity during 1970-1979 (USAGE OF 0.5%) and have become much less conventional since (USAGE 0.06%, DOWN 88%), with the form April becoming somewhat dated. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Abril, April, Apryl, Averil, Avril in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Averyl and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Averyl is alike in pronunciation to Avaril and Everil. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adel, Adell, Adelyn, Adey, Aenya, Aeran, Aeriel, Aerin, Aeron, Aeverie, Affery, Alegrya, Alexys, Aley, Alvera, Alverta, Amel, Amelya, Amera, Amerah, Amey, Andrel, Annwyl, Arely, Arya, Aryn, Astryr, Atera, Ateret, Aubery, Aubry, Audry, Audrye (see Audrey), Aural, Aurel, Avalyn, Ave, Avelyn, Aven, Avena, Averi, Averie, Averilda (see Averil), Averilla, Avery, Aveza, Avital, Avrie, Beryl, Caryl, Cecyl, Charyl, Cherryl, Cheryl, Darryl, Daryl, Euryl, Karryl, Karyl, Kerryl, Keryl, Maryl, Merryl, Meryl, Sharyl, Sherryl, Sheryl, Terryl (see Teryl) and Teryl. These names tend to be more frequently used than Averyl.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
