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What does Avril mean?
Avril as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Avril is "to open". French variant of April, the month name. The name has also been influenced by the Old English female name Averil. Pop musician Avril Lavigne.
VARIANTS Averel, Averell, Averil, Averill, Averyl, Avriel, Avrill
RELATIONS VIA APRIL, AVERIL Abril, Aipril, Aprill, Aprille, Apryl, Apryll, Avaril, Averilda, Averilla, Averyll, Everil
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Auril, ..
(male) Aval, ..
Avril Mina (A.M.), ..
How popular is Avril?
Avril is a somewhat popular first name for females (#4180 out of 4276, Top 98%) and an even more popular surname for both adults and children (#56392 out of 150436, Top 37%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Avril entered the list in 2003 and reached its apex position of #1500 in the U.S. in 2007, and is at #1766 presently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Avril (#1766 IN 2018) are April (#476), Abril (#1017), Apryl and Averil. These relations of Avril were popular as birth names during 1970-1979 (AVERAGE #1513) and are now much less common (#1451, DOWN 88%), with the form April becoming somewhat dated.
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Abri, Adria, Adrie, Aeriel, Aerin, Aimil, Airi, Airin, Amil, Angil, Ari▲, Aria▲, Arie, Ariel, Arin, Arria, Arrie▼, Aural, Aurel, Auria, Auriel, Auriol, Averi▲, Averie▲, Avia, Avie, Avila, Avis▼, Avrie and Beril. These names tend to be less commonly used than Avril.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]