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♀ Ayeesha
What does Ayeesha mean?
Ayeesha as a girls' name has its root in Arabic, and the meaning of Ayeesha is "alive and well". Ayeesha is an alternate spelling of Aisha (Arabic): also possibly means "life" in Swahili.
VARIANTS Yieshah, Yiesha, Isha, Ieshah, Iesha▼, Ieeshiah, Ieeshia, Ieeshah, Ieesha, Ieashiah, Ieashia, Ieashah, Ieasha, Aysha, Ayishah, Ayisha, Ayesha, Ayeishah, Ayeisha, Ayeeshah, Ashiah, Ashia, Ashah, Asha▲, Aishia, Aishah, Aieshah, Aiesha, Aeshah, Aesha, Aeisha, Aeeshah, Aeesha, Aayshah
OTHER FORMS VIA AISHA Ayeesa, Ayeesah, Ayeisa, Ayeisah, Ayisa, Ayshe, Miesha, Myesha, Niesha, Teisha, Tiesha▼, Tyesha▼, Tyisha, Tynisha
Ayeesha Jenny (A.J.), ..
How popular is Ayeesha?
Ayeesha is a rare first name for women. Ayeesha is also a unique last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Aisha (#523 A YEAR AGO), Asha (#1190), Ayesha (#1457), Isha (#1593), Aiesha, Ashia, Aysha, Iesha, Miesha, Myesha, Niesha, Tiesha, Tyesha, Tyisha and Tynisha are the popular varying forms of Ayeesha (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000. Usage of these forms of Ayeesha reached its highest in the year 1991 (USAGE OF 0.22%) and is now much lower (USAGE 0.06%, DOWN 71%), with forms such as Tiesha becoming somewhat outmoded. Aisha and Asha are two of the more contemporarily stylish birth names here. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Ayeesha is pronounced similarly to Eyeesha and Yeesha. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abeedja, Abeeja (see Abijah), Abeesha, Adeeba, Adeena, Adeera, Adeeva, Adelpha, Aeeda, Agetha, Akasha, Aleecia, Aleena▲, Aleesa, Aleesha, Aleethia, Aleeza, Aleigha, Aleisha, Alesha▼, Alessa, Alessia▲, Alesta, Aletha, Aliosha, Alisha▼, Allessa, Alyosha, Alysha▼, Ameera, Amisha, Aneese, Anessa, Anisha, Arletha, Arnessa, Arniesha (see Arnelle), Arnisha, Ateefa, Ayeeda, Camesha, Denesha, Eleasha, Elesha, Ernesha, Jamesha, Kadesha, Kaleesha, Kanesha▼, Keasha, Keesha, Keisha▼, Kesha▼, Kiesha, Lakeesha, Lakesha▼, Lanesha, Latesha, Leesha, Leisha, Lekeesha, Lesha, Myeisha, Myiesha, Myisha, Nareesha, Neesha, Nesha, Raynesha, Tanesha▼, Teneesha, Tenesha and Tersha. These names tend to be more commonly used than Ayeesha.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]