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♀ Banee
What does Banee mean?
Banee as a girls' name is of Vietnamese origin. Variant of Bonnie.
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA BONNIE Bonne, Bonnee, Bonney, Bonni, Bonny▼, Bunni, Bunnie, Bunny
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Beinee, ..
(male) Bano, ..
Banee Taliyah (B.T.), ..
How popular is Banee?
Banee is a rare given name for females and also a unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Banee (NOT RANKED) are Bonnie (#691 FROM RECENT DATA), Bonni, Bonny and Bunny. Usage of these forms of Banee was common in the 1940s (AVERAGE #974) and is now much diminished (#1672, ▼96%), with versions such as Bonny becoming somewhat dated. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Banee is pronounced similarly to Bena, Benni, Bennie▼, Benny, Bianey, Bina, Binah, Binnie, Binny, Bonie, Bonnee, Bonney, Bonni, Bonny▼, Buna, Bunnee, Bunni, Bunnie, Bunny and Byna. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Babe, Bader, Batel, Baylee, Bee, Bente, Bernee, Bonne, Bradee, Brande, Brandee▼, Brenee, Cadee, Calee, Candee, Caree, Catee (see Kate), Chanee, Danee, Dannee, Fannee, Hadee, Jacee, Jadee, Jainee, Jamee, Janee, Jonee, Kalee▼, Kandee, Karee, Kasee, Katee, Laree, Macee, Mandee, Maree, Marnee, Nancee, Nansee, Penee, Rainee, Ranee, Renee▼, Ronee, Sadee, Sandee, Shanee, Tahnee, Tanee, Tansee, Taree, Tawnee, Tonee and Yancee. These names tend to be more commonly used than Banee.