What does Barbora mean?
Barbora /bar-bo-ra/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and Barbora means "foreign woman". Barbora is an alternate spelling of Barbara (Latin). Barbaro is a popular surname.
Barbora has 4 variants: Barbera, Berbera, Berberia and Berberya.
Barbora has 48 more different forms via Barbara: Bab, Baba, Babara, Babb, Babbett, Babbette, Babbie, Babe, Babett, Babette, Babita, Babs, Baibin, Barabara, Barb▼, Barbar, Barbarella, Barbarit, Barbarita, Barbeeleen, Barbel, Barbette, Barbey, Barbi, Barbie, Barbra▼, Barbro, Barby, Barra, Basha, Basia, Baubie, Bauby, Beba, Bebe, Berbya, Bibi, Bobbe, Bobbee, Bobbi▼, Bobbie▼, Bobby▼, Bonni, Bonnie▼, Bonny▼, Borbala, Varina and Varvara.
Kreatif forms: Babora, Barboba, Barbore. [more]How popular is Barbora?
Barbora is a rare given name for women. Barbora is an equivalently rare surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. Census)
Below is a charted analysis of the popularity of Barbora and related names. Prominent varying forms of Barbora (outside Top 1000) are Barbara (#863 in 2014), Bonnie (#866), Bonny, Bobby, Bobbi, Barbra, Barb and Bobbie. Adoption of these girl names was at its highest during the years 1950-1959 (usage of 0.4814%) and has become much less since (usage 0.0339%, down 93%), with forms like Barbara, Barb, Bobbie, Barbra and Bobby falling out of style. (Top 1000 Baby Names Records, 2014)