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What does Barbora mean?

Barbora /bar-bo-ra/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and Barbora means "foreign woman". Barbora is an alternate spelling of Barbara (Latin). Barbaro is a popular surname.


Barbora has 4 variants: Barbera, Berbera, Berberia and Berberya.

Barbora has 48 more different forms via Barbara: Bab, Baba, Babara, Babb, Babbett, Babbette, Babbie, Babe, Babett, Babette, Babita, Babs, Baibin, Barabara, Barb, Barbar, Barbarella, Barbarit, Barbarita, Barbeeleen, Barbel, Barbette, Barbey, Barbi, Barbie, Barbra, Barbro, Barby, Barra, Basha, Basia, Baubie, Bauby, Beba, Bebe, Berbya, Bibi, Bobbe, Bobbee, Bobbi, Bobbie, Bobby, Bonni, Bonnie, Bonny, Borbala, Varina and Varvara.

Kreatif forms: Babora, Barboba, Barbore. [more]

How popular is Barbora?

Barbora is a rare given name for women. Barbora is an equivalently rare surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. Census)

Below is a charted analysis of the popularity of Barbora and related names. Prominent varying forms of Barbora (outside Top 1000) are Barbara (#863 in 2014), Bonnie (#866), Bonny, Bobby, Bobbi, Barbra, Barb and Bobbie. Adoption of these girl names was at its highest during the years 1950-1959 (usage of 0.4814%) and has become much less since (usage 0.0339%, down 93%), with forms like Barbara, Barb, Bobbie, Barbra and Bobby falling out of style. (Top 1000 Baby Names Records, 2014)

Top 1000 baby names ranking of Barb, Barbara, Barbra, Bobbi, Bobbie in U.S.

Top 1000 baby names ranking of Bobby, Bonnie, Bonny in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Barbora and related baby names outside U.S.
