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♀ Beattie (girl)
What does Beattie mean?
Beattie as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Beattie) has its root in Latin, and the meaning of Beattie is "voyager (through life); blessed". Beattie is an alternate form of Beatrice (Latin): Italian and French variation of Beatrix.
RELATED FORMS VIA BEATRICE Beatrica, Beatris, Beatrisa, Beatriss, Beatrix▲, Beatriz▼, Beeatrice, Beeatris, Beeatrix, Beitris
Beattie Maryn (B.M.), ..
How popular is Beattie?
Beattie is an unusual first name for females but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#3653 out of 150436, Top 2%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Beatrice (#573 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Beatrix (#1155) and Beatriz (#1506) are the popular varying forms of Beattie (NOT RANKED) listed in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Beatie, are uncommon. These forms of Beattie were popular as baby names in the 1900s (USAGE OF 0.56%) and are now significantly less common (USAGE 0.05%, ▼91%), with forms such as Beatrice going out of style. Beatrice has been the overall favorite, though Beatrix has gained in popularity over time. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Beattie is pronounced similarly to Beata, Betta, Betti, Bettie▼, Betty▼ and Bettye▼. Other recommended sound-alike names are Attie, Bailie, Barbie, Bastia, Battina, Baubie, Beate, Beckie, Bekkie, Bennie▼, Bente, Bentlee (see Bentley), Bernie, Berrie, Berrti, Berte, Berthe, Berti, Bertie▼, Bertine, Bertrice, Bessie▼, Bethia, Bethie, Betia, Betsie, Bett, Bette▼, Bettina, Bettine, Betts, Bevie, Bradie, Brandie▼, Brette, Brettnie (see Brittany), Brittie, Brittin, Brittine (see Brittany), Brittne, Bryttine, Caitie, Cathie▼, Catie, Chattie, Dottie▼, Ettie▼, Gertie▼, Hatsie, Hattie▼, Hettie▼, Hittie, Jeanie▼, Jeannie▼, Kaitie, Kathie▼, Katie▼, Kittie▼, Lealie, Lettie▼, Lottie▼, Martie, Mattie▼, Nattie, Nettie▼, Pattie▼, Veretie, Veritie and Yettie. These names tend to be more commonly used than Beattie.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]