Home > Begonia


What does Begonia mean?

Begonia Pronunciation of Begonia as a girls' name. Flower name: the colorful house plant with fleshy leaves and white, yellow, pink or red blossoms. The plant was named for Michel Begon, an 18th-century governor of Santo Domingo.


ASSOCIATED WITH white, yellow (golden), 18th century




Begonia Giana (B.G.), ..

How popular is Begonia?

Begonia is an uncommonly occurring first name for females but a somewhat prominent last name for all people (#96918 out of 150436, Top 64%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Begonia has not been ranked in the list so far. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Begonia name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Begonia outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Adonia, Aegidia, Allonia, Alonia, Ansonia, Antonia, Bedelia, Belanna, Belenda, Belia, Belicia, Belinda, Bellona, Belona, Belvia, Belynda, Bena, Benecia, Benicia, Benita, Bennie, Beonca, Berenis, Berna, Bernie, Bernina, Beruria, Betia, Betina, Beyonca, Beyonce, Bionca, Bogna, Bonita, Breonda, Breonna, Brioni, Bronia, Bronya, Bryonie, Bryonna, Celenia, Celosia, Denia, Eionia, Eugenia, Evgenia, Fenia, Gregoria, Idonia, Ionia, Jekolia, Jesenia, Kenia, Kennia, Leonia, Levania, Melania, Melodia, Nerolia (see Nerola), Netania, Petunia, Reginia, Romonia, Sedonia, Segovia, Sonia, Sydonia, Tonia, Veedonia (see Vidonia), Venia, Xenia, Yesenia, Zenia and Zonia. These names tend to be more frequently used than Begonia.
