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♀ Bernadette
What does Bernadette mean?
Bernadette ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced ber-na-DET. It is of French and Old German origin, and the meaning of Bernadette is "strong, brave bear". Feminine of Bernard. Saint Bernadette Soubirous (19th century) was a French peasant girl who had visions of the Virgin Mary and uncovered a spring near Lourdes where miraculous cures are sought. The 1943 movie "Song of Bernadette" made it popular among Catholic families. Actress Bernadette Peters.
ASSOCIATED WITH strong, brave, saint, 19th century, virgin, spring
VARIANTS Benadette, Bennie▼, Benny, Bera, Beradette, Berna, Bernadea, Bernadeena, Bernadene, Bernadet, Bernadett, Bernadetta, Bernadin, Bernadina, Bernadine▼, Bernadotte, Bernadyna, Bernaetta, Bernarda, Bernardette, Bernardina, Bernardine, Bernee, Bernessa, Berneta, Bernetta, Bernette, Bernie, Bernina, Bernita, Berny
SEE ALSO Beracha, Berry, Birdena, Lourdes, Nadette
Bernadette Lainey (B.L.), ..
How popular is Bernadette?
Bernadette is a very popular first name for females (#400 out of 4276, Top 9%) but a rare last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Bernadette reached its apex position of #241 in the U.S. in the 1940s, and is at #1268 presently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Bernadette (#1268 FROM RECENT DATA) are Bennie, Bera, Berna, Bernadine, Bernard, Bernardine, Bernetta, Bernie, Bernita and Lourdes. These relations of Bernadette were popular with parents during 1930-1939 (ADOPTION OF 0.1%) and are now much less widespread, with forms such as Bernadette becoming less in vogue.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Arnette, Babette, Barbette, Bellette, Bendite, Benedetta, Benedicte, Benetta, Berett, Bergett (see Bridget), Bergette, Berneece (see Bernice), Berneice▼, Bernelle, Berniece▼, Bradee, Brandee▼, Brandelle, Brendette (see Brenda), Brette, Bridgette▼, Briette, Brigette, Briggette, Brunetta, Brunette, Brydjette, Brygette, Burnet, Burnett, Cadette, Dennette, Donaldette, Garnette, Genette, Henriette, Jeanette▼, Jeannette▼, Jenette, Jennette, Kenadee, Kennette, Lenette, Margarette▼, Marnette, Ornette, Perlette, Reinette, Renette, Trinadette, Vedette, Venusette, Vernetta and Vernette. These names tend to be less commonly used than Bernadette.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]