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♀ Bethany
What does Bethany mean?
Bethany ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced BETH-a-nee. It is of Hebrew origin. Possibly means "house of figs". Biblical: the name of the village near Jerusalem where Jesus stayed during Holy Week, before going on to Jerusalem and crucifixion. From the New Testament description of life in the house, the name has rather domestic, cozy connotations. The name is popular with Roman Catholics, being bestowed in honor of Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha and Lazarus. Also a variant on the combined form of Beth and Ann. Sounds like the popular Brittany.
ASSOCIATED WITH jerusalem (israeli), life, roman, combined (blend)
VARIANTS Bethanee, Bethaney, Bethani, Bethanie, Bethann, Bethanne, Bethannie, Bethanny, Betheney, Betheny, Bethzy▼
OTHER FORMS VIA ANN, BETH, BRITTANY Bethan, Bretny, Bretteny, Britany▼, Bryttany
Bethany Jordynn (B.J.), ..
How popular is Bethany?
Bethany is a very prominent first name for females (#398 out of 4276, Top 9%) and also a very prominent last name for all people (#25398 out of 150436, Top 17%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Bethany was first listed in 1940-1949 and reached its top rank of #99 in the U.S. during the years 1980-1989, and is presently at #481. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Brittany (#879 VIA LATEST LIST), Ann (#983), Beth, Bethan, Bethanie, Bethann, Bethanne, Bethzy and Britany are the popular related forms of Bethany (#481) ranked in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Bretny, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Bethany reached its apex in 1990 (USAGE OF 2.22%) and is now significantly diminished (USAGE 0.07%, ▼97%), with versions like Britany falling out of fashion.
Similar Names
Bethany▼ is pronounced similarly to Bethuna. Other recommended sound-alike names are Anthony, Bebhinn, Benny, Berny, Bertha▼, Beta, Betha, Bethan, Bethea, Bethel, Bethell, Bethia, Bethie, Bethuel, Bethune, Bethy, Betia, Betiana, Betina, Betsan, Betsey, Betsy▼, Betta, Bettina, Bettine, Betty▼, Breehan, Bretny (see Brittany), Brettany, Bretteny, Britany▼, Bryttany (see Brittany), Delany, Devany, Melany and Stephany▼. These names tend to be less commonly used than Bethany.