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♀ Bitta
What does Bitta mean?
Bitta as a name for girls is a Gaelic name, and the meaning of Bitta is "exalted one". Bitta is a variant form of Bridget (Gaelic).
OTHER FORMS VIA BRIDGET Biddy, Birgitta, Birkita, Birkitta, Birte, Breda, Brietta, Brigita, Brigitta, Brita, Brites, Britt, Britta, Britte
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Bitna, ..
(male) Bita, ..
Bitta Saphira (B.S.), ..
How popular is Bitta?
Bitta is a rare first name for women. Bitta is an equivalently unique last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Bitta (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Bridget (#718 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Britt and Britta. Other forms, like Breda, are uncommon. These forms of Bitta were favored as birth names in the 1970s (MEDIAN #1045) and are now significantly less popular, with the form Bridget becoming somewhat outmoded. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Bitta is pronounced similarly to Batya, Beata, Beta, Betta, Betti, Bettie▼, Betty▼, Bettye▼ and Bitya. Other recommended sound-alike names are Barta, Berta▼, Betha, Betia, Bett, Bette▼, Betts, Billa, Bina, Birta, Birtha, Bit, Bithia, Bretta, Brieta, Brittan, Britty, Cetta, Detta, Dita, Editta, Elitta, Etta▼, Gita, Gitta, Hetta, Jetta, Jutta, Letta, Lita, Lotta▼, Minta▼, Mirta, Netta, Nita▼, Retta▼, Rieta, Rita▼, Ritta, Tita, Vita, Yetta▼, Zetta and Zita. These names tend to be more commonly used than Bitta.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]