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♀ Blane (girl)
What does Blane mean?
Blane as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Blane). The name Blane means "yellow". Blane is a version of Blaine (Irish, Gaelic): surname.
ASSOCIATED WITH yellow (golden)
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Blabe, ..
(male) Blabe, ..
Blane Miyah (B.M.), ..
How popular is Blane?
Blane is an uncommonly occurring first name for females but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#26267 out of 150436, Top 17%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Blane has not been recorded in the Top 2000 thus far. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Alaine, Alane, Alayne, Albane, Alene▼, Aline▼, Alyne, Babe, Banee, Beate, Bianey, Blair▲, Blaire▲, Blaise, Blaize, Blake▲, Blanca▼, Blanch▼, Blanche▼, Blanda, Blanka, Blase, Blayre, Blaze, Blime, Bolade, Bonne, Brana, Brand, Brande, Brani, Brann, Brayne, Briane, Dane, Deane, Delane, Diane▼, Duane, Dyane, Dylane, Elaene, Elaine▼, Elane, Elayne, Elene, Eliane, Eline, Ellane, Ilane, Ileane, Ilene▼, Iliane, Ilone, Jane▼, Jeane▼, Joane, Lane, Liane, Luane, Oline, Orane, Riane, Ryane, Shane, Sloane▲, Tiane, Yolane and Zhane▼. These names tend to be more commonly used than Blane.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]