Home > Blithe

Blithe (girl)

What does Blithe mean?

Blithe Pronunciation of Blithe as a name for girls (also used as boys' name Blithe) is of Old English derivation, and Blithe means "blithe, cheerful, carefree". Blithe is a variant form of Blythe (Old English): modern coinage.


ASSOCIATED WITH old english, cheerful (joy)





Blithe Iliana (B.I.), ..

How popular is Blithe?

Blithe is an uncommon given name for women but a somewhat popular surname for all people (#110523 out of 150436, Top 73%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Blythe is the only prominent variation form of Blithe (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Adoption of this relation of Blithe was more pronounced among parents in the year 2013 (#1331). (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Blythe in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Blithe and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Agathe, Alithea, Anthe, Aoibhe, Bailie, Bartha, Beate, Beige, Belita, Bente, Bertha, Berthe, Beth, Betha, Bethea, Bethel, Bette, Bettie, Bettye, Bich, Bilee, Birte, Birtha, Bit, Bithia, Bitta, Bitya, Blaine, Blaise, Blaize, Blake, Blanche, Blayne, Blayre, Blaze, Blimah, Blime, Blinny, Bliss, Blisse, Blysse, Brette, Briane, Brie, Briette, Brighe, Bright, Brilie (see Briley), Brione, Brisha, Brita, Brites, Britney, Britny, Britnye, Britta, Britte, Britten, Brittne, Britty, Brityn, Edithe, Edythe, Elshe, Faithe, Faythe, Grethe, Ianthe, Kaethe, Kathe, Leithe, Lethe, Marthe, Olathe and Ruthe. These names tend to be more commonly used than Blithe.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
