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What does Breezy mean?
Breezy as a girls' name is a Latin name. Breezy is an alternate spelling of Brisa (Latin): contraction of the Spanish name Briseida.
VARIANTS Bryssa, Briza, Brissa▼
Breezy Dorothy (B.D.), ..
How popular is Breezy?
Breezy is an unusual given name for females. Breezy is also an unusual last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Breezy (NOT RANKED) are Brisa (#1675 LAST YEAR), Brissa and Briza. These forms of Breezy were popular in 2010 (USAGE OF 0.1%) and have become much less popular since, with forms such as Brisa becoming less trendy. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Breezy is pronounced similarly to Briza. Other recommended sound-alike names are Barbey, Bee, Beea, Benny, Berny, Berry, Bessy, Bethy, Bethzy▼, Betsy▼, Betty▼, Bevvy, Birdey, Bizzy, Bradly, Brady, Brandy▼, Brea▼, Breah, Breana▼, Breann▼, Breck, Breda, Bree, Breea, Breean, Breeana, Breeann, Breeda, Breehan, Breelyn, Breen, Breena, Brei, Breigh, Breila, Breina, Bren, Brenda▼, Brendyl, Brenee, Brenie, Brenn, Brenna▼, Brenne, Brenyn, Breona, Bret, Bretny (see Brittany), Brett, Bretta, Brette, Bretteny, Bridey, Bridy, Brie, Brieon, Brier, Briet, Brieta, Briley, Brily, Briney, Briny, Briony, Briteny (see Brittany), Britny▼, Britty, Bronny, Brooky, Bryley (see Briley), Bryly (see Briley), Bryony and Kenzy. These names tend to be more frequently used than Breezy.