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♀ Bria
What does Bria mean?
Bria ▼ as a name for girls. Bria means "high, noble, exalted". Bria is an alternate spelling of Brianna (Irish, Gaelic, Celtic): May also possibly mean "strong".
RELATIONS VIA BRIANNA Brana, Breena, Briahna, Briana▼, Briand, Brianda▼, Briane, Briann, Brianne▼, Brianni, Briauna, Brieann, Brienna, Brieon, Brina, Briney, Brinn, Brinna, Briny, Bryana▼, Bryann, Bryn, Bryna, Brynna
Bria Lucy (B.L.), ..
How popular is Bria?
Bria is an uncommon first name for females but a very popular surname for both adults and children (#34308 out of 150436, Top 23%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Bria was first listed in 1980-1989 and reached its highest rank of #175 in the U.S. in 1993, and is at #762 presently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Bria (#762 IN 2018) ranked in the Top 2000 are Brianna (#132), Briana (#541), Bryn (#1333), Bree (#1624), Brianda, Briann, Brianne, Briauna, Brie, Brienna, Bryana and Brynna. Adoption of these relations of Bria was at its apex 22 years ago (USAGE OF 1.1%) and is now significantly lower (USAGE 0.2%, DOWN 80.8%), with versions like Brianna becoming somewhat dated.
Similar Names
Bria▼ is alike in pronunciation to Brea▼, Breah, Breea, Brei, Breigh and Brya. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adia, Adria, Afia, Alia▲, Amia▲, Ardia, Aria▲, Arria, Artia, Asia▼, Avia, Baba, Bara, Bari, Barra, Barta, Beba, Belia, Bena, Bera, Berna, Berta▼, Beta, Betia, Birta, Bit, Bora, Borka, Breila, Breina, Briar▲, Brid, Bride, Briet, Brily, Brinda, Briona, Brisa▼, Brisha, Brisia, Brit, Brita, Briza, Bronia, Byla, Ceria, Daria, Doria, Elia▲, Evia, Gaia, Kia▼, Lia▲, Loria, Lyria, Moria, Naia, Olia, Oria, Pia, Rhia, Ria▼, Siria, Syria, Thia, Tia▼, Tyria, Xia and Zia. These names tend to be more commonly used than Bria.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]