Home > Bridgitte


What does Bridgitte mean?

Bridgitte Pronunciation of Bridgitte as a girls' name has its root in Gaelic, and the name Bridgitte means "exalted one". Bridgitte is an alternate spelling of Bridget (Gaelic).


ASSOCIATED WITH gaelic, exalted


VARIANTS Bryjit, Bryjet, Brydjitt, Brydjette, Brydgitte, Brydgit, Brydget, Brijitte, Brijit, Brijet, Bridgit, Bridgette, Bridgett

RELATED FORMS VIA BRIDGET Birgitt, Birgitta, Birgitte, Birkitte, Briddgett, Bridgete, Bridgid, Bridgot, Bridie, Brigett, Brigette, Briggette, Briggitte, Brigit, Brigita, Brigitt, Brigitta, Brigitte, Britte, Brydgitta, Brygette, Brygitte



Bridgitte Annalee (B.A.), ..

How popular is Bridgitte?

Bridgitte is an uncommon given name for women. Bridgitte is an equally rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Prominent varying forms of Bridgitte (NOT RANKED) are Bridget (#718 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Bridgett, Bridgette, Brigette and Brigitte. Other forms, like Bridgete, are uncommon. These relations of Bridgitte were favored as baby names 5 decades ago (MEDIAN #616) and are now much less common. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Bridget, Bridgett, Bridgette, Brigette, Brigitte in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Bridgitte and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Ariette, Bendite, Beradette, Bergette, Biddie, Birgett, Birgetta (see Birgit), Birgit, Birkitta (see Bridget), Bradie, Brendette (see Brenda), Brette, Bride, Bridee, Bridi, Bridnee (see Brittany), Brietta, Briette, Briget, Brighe, Bright, Brigid, Brigida, Brigidine, Brilie (see Briley), Brinhilde, Britt, Britta, Britten, Brittie, Brittine (see Brittany), Brittne, Britty, Brodie, Brunette, Brydie, Brygit, Byrgitt, Trinette, Trinnette and Vidette. These names tend to be more frequently used than Bridgitte.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
