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♀ Cameron (girl)
What does Cameron mean?
Cameron as a girls' name (also used more generally as boys' name Cameron) is pronounced KAM-ren. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Cameron is "crooked nose". Scottish Highlands clan surname derived from the facial feature and based on the nickname given a valorous ancestor. May also possibly mean "crooked stream" or "crooked hill". Camerons in the Lowlands were derived from Cambernon in Normandy. Actresses Cameron Diaz, Camryn Manheim.
ASSOCIATED WITH scottish, gaelic, stream (river), hill (mountain)
VARIANTS Camaran, Cameran▼, Cameren, Cameryn▼, Cameri, Cameryn▼, Camesha, Cameshia, Cami, Camren, Camrin, Camron, Camryn, Kameren, Kamerin, Kameron▼, Kammeron, Kamren, Kamron, Kamryn, Kamrynn, Kamrynne, Kamyron
Cameron Nathalie (C.N.), ..
How popular is Cameron?
Cameron is a very popular first name for women (#1862 out of 4276, Top 44%) and also a very popular surname for all people (#578 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Cameron was first listed in 1960-1969 and reached its highest position of #176 in the U.S. in 1999, and is at #504 currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Cameron (#504 IN 2018) are Cameran, Cameryn, Cami, Camryn (#401), Kameron and Kamryn (#464). These relations of Cameron reached the top of their popularity in the year 1999 (MEDIAN #896) and are now much less common (#1338, DOWN 58.9%), with versions such as Cameryn becoming less fashionable.
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Aeron, Caelan, Caelin, Caelyn▼, Caera, Caitrin, Caleen, Calen, Cambree▼, Cambria▲, Camela, Camelia, Camella, Cameo, Cammeo, Cardon, Careen, Caren▼, Carin, Carmen▼, Carmon, Caro, Carol▼, Caron, Caronn (see Karen), Carren, Carrin, Carrol▼, Carron, Carryn, Carson, Carylon, Caryn▼, Casen, Cason, Catelan, Catelyn, Caterina, Caterine, Catheren, Catherin, Cathern, Catheryn, Cathryn▼, Catrin, Cayelin, Cheron, Chevon, Cimarron, Cimeron (see Cimarron), Daron, Deron, Farron, Jamison, Karon▼, Madelon, Saffron, Saphron, Sheron, Simeron and Veron. These names tend to be less commonly used than Cameron.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]