Home > Candayce


What does Candayce mean?

Candayce Pronunciation of Candayce as a name for girls is a Latin name, and the meaning of the name Candayce is "clarity, whiteness". Candayce is a version of Candace (Latin).




VARIANTS Kandiss, Kandice, Kandace, Candyce, Candiss, Candis, Candice, Candase, Candas, Candaice

OTHER FORMS VIA CANDACE Canda, Candance, Candee, Candelle, Candie, Candy



Candayce Regan (C.R.), ..

How popular is Candayce?

Candayce is an uncommonly occurring first name for women. Candayce is also an unusual surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Candace, Candance, Candice, Candie, Candis, Candy, Candyce, Kandace and Kandice are the prominent related forms of Candayce (NOT RANKED). Other variants, like Candee, are seldom used. These relations of Candayce were at the top of their popularity 4 decades ago (AVERAGE #890), but now, versions like Candace have become less stylish. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Candace, Candance, Candice, Candie, Candis in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Candy, Candyce, Kandace, Kandice in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Candayce and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Candayce is pronounced similarly to Candiace, Candiese, Candise, Candys, Candyse, Candyss, Kandyce, Kandyse and Khandace. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ardyce, Brandace, Brandyce, Cadance, Cadence, Cadette, Cadie, Cadye, Caidie, Canada, Candela, Candes, Candi, Candia, Candias, Candida, Candide, Candido, Candist (see Candice), Candita, Candus, Cantara, Caprice, Caralee, Carlyne, Carmaine, Cassadie, Cassye (see Casey), Catharyne (see Catherine), Cathlyne, Cathryne, Cauleyne, Cayce, Caycey (see Casey), Cayse, Ceryce, Chandy, Channach, Chantae, Chantale, Chantalle, Chantay, Chantaye, Chantrice, Charlayne, Cinda, Cindal, Cindee, Cindy, Claryce, Cleryce, Constance, Danaye, Dannyce (see Danielle), Janaye, Janice, Janiece, Jannice, Janyce, Kendice, Khandice, Lanice, Sandye, Tanniece (see Tanisha), Vaniece and Vardice. These names tend to be more frequently used than Candayce.
