Home > Carissa


What does Carissa mean?

Carissa Pronunciation of Carissa as a girls' name is pronounced ka-RISS-ah. It is of Latin and Greek origin, and the meaning of Carissa is "beloved; grace". Simplified spelling of Charissa, from Charis. Also possibly an elaborated form of Cara or Carys. Used by Edmund Spencer in his epic 1590 poem "The Faerie Queene". Also form of Charity.


ASSOCIATED WITH greek, grace, epic (mythology), faerie


VARIANTS Caresa, Caressa, Caris, Carisa, Carrisa, Carrissa, Charissa, Karisa, Karissa, Kharissa

OTHER FORMS VIA CARA, CARYS, CHARIS Caralea, Caralia, Caranda, Caretta, Carina, Carine, Carisia, Carisse, Charesa, Charisa, Charise, Charish, Charisha, Charisse, Charista, Charysse, Karina, Karis, Karisse, Karrisa



Carissa Jiselle (C.J.), ..

How popular is Carissa?

Carissa is a very popular first name for females (#953 out of 4276, Top 22%) but a rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Carissa was first listed in 1960-1969 and reached its peak position of #239 in the U.S. in the year 1992, and is presently at #1986. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Carissa name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Carissa outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Cara (#873 A YEAR AGO), Carina (#1072), Carisa, Carys, Charis, Charise, Charissa, Charisse, Charity (#1237), Karina (#600), Karis (#1331), Karisa and Karissa (#1830) are the popular varying forms of Carissa (#1986). Other forms, like Carine, are uncommon. These relations of Carissa were favored 23 years ago (ADOPTION OF 0.39%) and have become significantly less common since (ADOPTION 0.1%, 75.5%), with versions such as Carys becoming less stylish.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Carissa, Cara, Carina, Carisa, Carys in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Charis, Charise, Charissa, Charisse, Charity in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Karina, Karis, Karisa, Karissa in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Cara outside U.S.

Similar Names

Carissa is alike in pronunciation to Carressa, Corisa, Corissa, Corrissa, Coryssa, Karessa, Karysa, Karyssa, Koressa, Korissa and Koryssa. Other recommended sound-alike names are Amarissa, Brissa, Calista, Calyssa, Caress, Caresse, Carinna, Carita, Carlisa, Carlisha, Carlisia, Carlissia, Carlista, Carmesa, Cerisa, Cerise, Cerissa, Cerisse, Chariza, Cherisa, Cherisse, Chris, Chrissee, Chrissta (see Christina), Chrissy, Christa, Chryssa, Clairissa, Clarisa, Clarisse, Clarissia, Clayrissa, Clerissa, Clorissa, Cressa, Cressy, Crissa, Crissey, Crissie (see Christina), Crista, Darissa, Jalissa, Janissa, Karisha, Karisma, Klarissa, Larisa, Larisha, Laryssa, Lerissa, Maressa, Marisa, Marlissa, Marrissa, Maryssa, Maurissa, Merissa, Narcissa, Narissa, Narkissa, Narsissa, Nerissa, Parisa and Sarissa. These names tend to be less commonly used than Carissa.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
