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♀ Carlene
What does Carlene mean?
Carlene ▼ as a girls' name is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Carlene is "free man". Carlene and Carline are feminine form of Carl or Charles. The Latin form Carlina has been used since 1803, while Carlene became popular in the US since 1919. Also form of Carla. Also form of Carly. Also form of Carol. Also form of Caroline.
VARIANTS Carlaena, Carleen, Carleena, Carlen, Carlena, Carlenna, Carlina, Carline, Carlyn, Karleen, Karlen, Karlena, Karlene, Karlin, Karlina, Karlyn, Karlynn
RELATIONS VIA CARLINA, CARLINE Carlan, Carlana, Carlein, Carlin, Carllen, Carlyna, Carlyne, Carlynn, Carlynne, Karlein, Karline, Karlyne
Carlene Teresa (C.T.), ..
How popular is Carlene?
Carlene is a very prominent first name for females (#813 out of 4276, Top 19%) but an uncommon last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Carlene was first listed in 1900-1909 and reached its apex position of #436 in the U.S. during 1940-1949, but is not found in the list currently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Caroline (#55 VIA LATEST LIST), Carly (#483), Carla (#1022), Carol (#1788), Carl, Carleen, Carline, Carlyn, Charles, Karleen and Karlene are the popular related forms of Carlene rated in the Top 2000. Other variants, like Karlein, are seldom used. These relations of Carlene were popular as birth names in the 1940s (ADOPTION OF 2.22%) and have become significantly less conventional since (ADOPTION 0.31%, ▼86.2%), with forms such as Carlene falling out of fashion. Caroline is the most fashionable birth name here.
Similar Names
Carlene▼ is pronounced similarly to Corlene. Other recommended sound-alike names are Cailene, Calee, Callee, Caralin, Caree, Caren▼, Carilena (see Caroline), Carilynne (see Caroline), Carle, Carleta, Carlette, Carley▼, Carlie, Carling, Carlye, Carlyse, Carmen▼, Carolanne, Carolee, Carolien, Carolin, Carolina, Carolyn▼, Carolynn▼, Caronne, Carree, Carrine, Carwen, Carynne, Cathlene, Catline, Cauleyne, Caylen, Celene, Charlayne, Charleen▼, Charleena, Charlene▼, Charlien, Charline▼, Charlyne, Charmene, Clarene, Collene, Coralena, Corene, Correne, Dalene, Darleane, Darlene▼, Darline, Darylene, Earldene (see Earla), Earline▼, Gaylene, Harlee▲, Kailene, Kalene▼, Karene, Kaylene▼, Laraene, Lurlene, Marcene, Marlee▲, Marlene▼, Marlenn (see Marlin), Marlyne, Maylene, Orlene, Paulene, Raelene, Raylene, Starlene and Talene. These names tend to be less commonly used than Carlene.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]