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♀ Carlotta
What does Carlotta mean?
Carlotta as a girls' name is pronounced kar-LAH-tah. It is of Italian and Old German origin, and the meaning of Carlotta is "free man". Variant of Charlotte. Also form of Carol. Also form of Caroline.
RELATED FORMS VIA CHARLOTTE Carla▼, Carletta, Charlett, Charletta, Charlette, Charlita, Charlot, Charlott, Charlotta, Karletta, Karlota, Karlotta, Karlotte, Sharlott, Sharlotta, Sharlotte
Carlotta Aliana (C.A.), ..
How popular is Carlotta?
Carlotta is a very popular first name for women (#1472 out of 4276, Top 34%) and a slightly less popular last name for all people (#89895 out of 150436, Top 60%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Carlotta reached its highest rank of #720 in the U.S. during 1940-1949, but is not in the list currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Carlotta are Charlotte (#6 VIA LATEST LIST), Caroline (#55), Carla (#1022), Carol (#1788), Carletta, Carlota, Charlette and Charlotta. Other variants, like Charlott, are seldom used. Adoption of these forms of Carlotta reached its apex 8 decades ago (USAGE OF 2.52%) and is now significantly diminished (USAGE 1.03%, 59% LESS), with forms like Carol becoming somewhat outmoded. Charlotte and Caroline are two of the more contemporarily stylish birth names in this compilation.
Similar Names
Carlotta is pronounced similarly to Carleta, Carlita, Carlyta, Karlita and Karlyta. Other recommended sound-alike names are Calesta, Calista▼, Callesta (see Calista), Callista, Callysta, Caltha, Calysta, Caretta, Carita, Caritta, Carlaena, Carlana, Carleena, Carleeza, Carlena, Carlenna (see Carlene), Carletha, Carlethe, Carlette, Carlia, Carlicia, Carlina, Carlinda, Carliqua (see Carla), Carlisa, Carlisha, Carlisia, Carlissa, Carlista, Carlla, Carlonda, Carlreca, Carlyna, Carmaletta, Carmita, Carmyta, Carola, Carrola, Charlet, Charolett, Charolette, Claretta, Coletta, Corretta, Corvetta, Darnetta, Earletta, Earlette, Erletta, Karlote, Laretta, Larretta (see Loretta), Malitta, Maretta, Marietta▼, Marketta, Marlette, Martta, Maryetta, Pauletta, Saletta, Salletta (see Sally), Sarolta, Sarotta, Sarotte (see Sarah), Scarletta, Sharletta, Starletta, Valetta and Valletta. These names tend to be less commonly used than Carlotta.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]