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♀ Carnation
What does Carnation mean?
Carnation as a girls' name is pronounced kah-NAY-shen. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Carnation is "flesh". The original colour of the flower was said to be as red as flesh. May also come from English "coronation", which comes from Anglo-French "coroner" meaning "to crown".
Carnation Lilian (C.L.), ..
How popular is Carnation?
Carnation is an unusual first name for women and an equivalently uncommon surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Carnation has not been ranked in the list thus far. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Caelainn, Caraleen (see Caroline), Caralia, Caralie, Caralin, Caraline, Caralyn, Caralynn, Cardin, Cardon, Carin, Carington, Carlan, Carlein, Carlin, Carmaine, Carmalit (see Carmel), Carmalita, Carman, Carmania, Carmarit (see Carmel), Carmin, Carmon, Carna, Carolein (see Caroline), Carolien, Carolin, Caron, Carrin, Carrington▼, Carron, Carson, Carylon, Catalin, Catharin, Catlain, Charalin (see Cherilyn), Charmain, Charmion, Christian▼, Christin▼, Christinn, Christon, Chrystian, Cinnamon, Coralin, Corazon, Cornalia (see Cornelia), Cristian, Cristin▼, Cristiona, Crystin, Cynnamon, Darion, Marion▼, Tarleton and Tarlton. These names tend to be more commonly used than Carnation.