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♀ Carree
What does Carree mean?
Carree as a name for girls is of Old German derivation, and the meaning of Carree is "free man". Carree is a variant form of Carrie (Old German).
VARIANTS Cary▼, Carry, Carri, Carrey, Carie▼, Cari▼, Carey▼, Caree
Carree Christiana (C.C.), ..
How popular is Carree?
Carree is an uncommon first name for females but a somewhat popular surname for all people (#131366 out of 150436, Top 87%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Carrie (#1768 LAST YEAR), Carey, Cari, Carie, Carri, Carry and Cary are the prominent related forms of Carree (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000. These relations of Carree were popular as birth names in the 1880s (MEDIAN #1420) and have become significantly less common since (#1966, ▼99%). (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Carree is alike in pronunciation to Caera, Cara▼, Caragh, Carah, Caro, Coree, Corey▼, Corie, Correy, Corri, Corrie▼, Corry, Karee, Karie▼, Karra, Karrah, Karri▼, Karrie▼, Karry, Keree, Kerrey, Kerrie▼, Koree, Korrey and Korrie. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Barrie, Berree (see Berry), Caisee, Calee, Camren, Candee, Carel, Caren▼, Cariel, Carle, Carlee, Carlie, Carmie, Carole▼, Carreen, Carren, Carrine, Carrol▼, Carryn, Carwen, Caryle, Casee, Cassee, Cathee, Caylee▼, Cerea, Cerria, Charlee▲, Chere, Cherree, Cherrey, Cherye, Ciarra▼, Ciarrah, Clarrie, Corlee, Correen, Correne, Cree, Darbee, Darcee, Darrel, Harrie, Larren, Lorree, Marsee, Sarrey, Taree, Tarren and Terree. These names tend to be more frequently used than Carree.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]