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What does Casen mean?

Casen Pronunciation of Casen as a name for girls means "alert, watchful". Casen is a version of Casey (Irish, Gaelic): from the male Gaelic name Cathasaigh.



RELATED FORMS VIA CASEY Cacey, Caci, Cacia, Cacie, Cacy, Caisee, Caisey, Caisi, Caisie, Cascy, Casee, Casi, Casie, Cass, Casse, Cassee, Cassey, Cassye, Casy, Cayce, Caycee, Caycey, Cayci, Cayse, Caysee, Caysey, Caysi, Caysie, Cazzi, Kace, Kacee, Kacey, Kasci, Kasee, Kasey, Kasi, Kasie, Kayse, Kaysee, Kaysey

(female) Caten, ..

(male) Cader, ..

Casen Mckayla (C.M.), ..

How popular is Casen?

Casen is an uncommonly occurring first name for females. Casen is an equivalently uncommon surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Casey (#916 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Kasey (#1206), Kacey (#1534), Casie, Cassey, Kacee, Kasi and Kasie are the prominent varying forms of Casen (NOT RANKED) listed in the Top 2000. Adoption of these forms of Casen was at its apex in the year 1992 (AVERAGE #1015) and is now much less, with forms like Kasey going out of style. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Casey, Casie, Cassey, Kacee, Kacey in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Kasey, Kasi, Kasie in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Casey, Kasey outside U.S.

Similar Names

Casen is alike in pronunciation to Cason and Kason. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Cade, Cadee, Cadena, Cadey, Cailen, Cain, Calee, Caleen, Calen, Caley, Calin, Callen, Calyn, Cameo, Camren, Carden, Caree, Careen, Carel, Caren, Carena, Carey, Carin, Carlen, Carmen, Caron, Carren, Carson, Carwen, Caryn, Cas, Casha, Casia, Cassi, Cassy, Cate, Catee (see Kate), Catey, Caye, Caylen, Coren, Eaden, Faren, Galen, Haven, Jaden, Kalen, Karen, Laken, Laren, Larsen, Maren, Maysen, Raven, Susen, Tamsen, Taren and Valen. These names tend to be more frequently used than Casen.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
