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♀ Cato (girl)
What does Cato mean?
Cato as a name for girls (also used as boys' name Cato) is of Greek derivation, and Cato means "pure". Cato is a version of Catherine (Greek): from katharos.
VARIANTS Kitty▼, Kittie▼, Kittee, Katya, Katy▼, Katie▼, Kati▼, Katey, Katee, Kata, Kaity, Kaitie, Kaitey, Caty, Catie, Cati, Catey, Caity, Caitie, Caitey
RELATIONS VIA CATHERINE Cadi, Cait, Caren▼, Cari▼, Carin, Caron, Carri, Carron, Caryn▼, Cass, Cassi, Cassy, Cat, Cate, Cath, Catha, Cathe, Cathee, Cathi, Cathie▼, Cathy▼, Cathye, Catia, Catrin, Cay, Caye, Cazzy, Kait, Kari▼, Karon▼, Kass, Kat, Kate▼, Katha, Kathi▼, Kathy▼, Katia, Katka, Katla, Kay▼, Kaye▼, Kit
Cato Margo (C.M.), ..
How popular is Cato?
Cato is an uncommonly occurring first name for women but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#4125 out of 150436, Top 3%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Cato (UNLISTED) are Catherine (#204 FROM RECENT DATA), Kate (#285), Katie (#449), Kari (#1569), Katy (#1790), Katia (#1832), Caren, Kittie, Kit, Kaye, Kay, Katya, Kati, Kathy, Kathi, Karon, Katey, Cari, Cathy, Cathie, Cathi, Cate, Cassy, Cassi, Caryn, Carri, Caron, Carin and Kitty. Usage of these forms of Cato was widespread among parents in the 1950s (ADOPTION OF 2.1%) and has become significantly less since (ADOPTION 0.2%, ▼89.6%), with versions such as Kati falling out of fashion. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Cato is pronounced similarly to Caiti and Catee. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Caci, Cacy, Cade, Cady, Cai, Cain, Cal, Cala, Cali▲, Cam, Cama, Cameo, Cami, Cara▼, Caro, Carol▼, Cary▼, Cas, Casi, Cason, Casy, Charo, Cleo▼, Clio, Clo, Coco and Sato. These names tend to be more commonly used than Cato.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]