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♀ Catrelle
What does Catrelle mean?
Catrelle as a girls' name is a Greek name, and the meaning of the name Catrelle is "pure". Catrelle is a version of Catherine (Greek): from katharos.
RELATIONS VIA CATHERINE Cateline, Cathee, Cathelin, Cathelle, Cathenne, Catreena, Catrice, Catrine, Katell, Katelle
Catrelle Carmen (C.C.), ..
How popular is Catrelle?
Catrelle is a rare given name for females. Catrelle is also a unique last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Catherine (#204 THE PREVIOUS YEAR) is the only popular varying form of Catrelle (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Cateline, are uncommon. This form of Catrelle was popular with parents in the 1910s (#20) and has become significantly less popular since (#204, ▼89%), with Catherine becoming less trendy. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Aurelle, Bethelle (see Bethel), Cammille, Camylle, Candelle, Capreece, Carel, Carle, Carlee, Carlla, Carllen, Carlye, Carolee, Carrabelle, Caryle, Catelan, Catelyn, Catreece, Catreen, Catreina, Channelle, Chantelle▼, Chantrell, Chantrelle, Charelle, Chavelle, Chelle, Cherelle, Claudelle, Corelie, Corrella, Correlle, Creole, Cyrille, Daanelle, Danielle▼, Danyelle▼, Darelle, Darielle, Darille, Dawnelle, Florelle, Gabryelle, Gaelle, Gavrielle, Gayelle, Harrella, Jaelle, Jahnelle, Janelle, Janielle, Karielle, Karmelle, Lauralle (see Laurel), Lorelle, Mabelle▼, Machelle, Marselle, Marvelle, Mashelle, Maxwelle, Nanelle, Narelle, Natalle, Norelle, Patreece, Rafelle, Randelle, Raquelle, Raynelle, Ruthelle, Sabelle, Samelle, Sandrelle and Shirelle. These names tend to be more commonly used than Catrelle.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]